According to the U.N. Study, the aspects of the draft protocol adopted
in 1999 addressed inadequacies in the 1981 African Charter for the
protection of women. "The draft protocol distinguishes between positive
and negative cultural practices and sees the role of women equally with
men in safeguarding traditional principles of equality, justice and
democracy. This is an ambitious draft which, if adopted, could fill many
gaps in other instruments in Africa and the world as well as taking
forward the principles of Vienna and Beijing. Pressing issues such as
concern about violence against women, notably female genital mutilation,
can stimulate legal action." The U.N. Study makes this cautionary note: "However
the Conventions and other instruments refer much more to traditional customs
than to religion. States must have the will to
address negative practices which are based on or imputed to religion and
which are not in conformity with women's human rights."
The organizations
below address these and other issues of religion and
traditions affecting women's human rights based on the Draft Protocol
the African Charter on Human and People's Rights With Regard to
Rights in Africa. Click on the title of an organization to view
abstract of their work and where to contact them. Click on Reference
Documents to the left or read the Draft
Protocol With Regard to Women's Rights in Africa. Click on the news and
research buttons to check and see if there is additional information on C2:
Draft Protocol to the African Charter on People's Rights with Regard to Women's
Rights in Africa.
Women's NGO'S
Lobby (EWL)
NGO Committee on the Status of Women, Geneva
NGO Committee on the Status of Women, New York
Women's Environment
and Development Organization (WEDO)
Learning Partnership (WLP)
Human Rights NGO'S
and Democracy–Droits et Democratie
Human Strategies
for Human Rights (HSHR)
NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Geneva
NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief, New York
Religions & Associations
Academic Institutions
Fatima Seedat
Civil Society
Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW)
The United
Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
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