UN NGO Committee on the Status
of Women, New York
The NGO Committee on the Status of Women (NGO CSW) was founded after the UN General
Assembly proclaimed 1975 as the International Women’s Year and recommended
that international action be intensified to: promote equality between men and
women; to ensure full integration of women in the total development effort; to
recognize the importance of women’s increasing contribution to the development
of friendly relations and cooperation among states and to strengthen world peace.
The NGO CSW is headquartered in New York, Geneva and Vienna, working collaboratively.
The NGO CSW New York provides a forum for exchange of information, education,
and awareness, and for substantive discussion, on issues and policies related
to women under United Nations consideration as well as other relevant women-related
studies and programs. The UN NGO CSW NY assists the international community in
implementing the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies and Beijing Platform for
Action. The UN NGO CSW NY facilitates cooperation among member organizations
in activities supportive of women-related United Nations objectives, and works
with the United Nations system, the UN Commission on the Status of Women, and
CEDAW. The NGO CSW New York is comprised of approximately 200 national and international
NGO’s and individuals that advance women’s development and human