Attachments: Project Outline 15March07.doc; Draft Templates 15March07.doc
Project Outline 15March07.doc; Draft Templates 15March07.doc

Dear Colleagues,

DCAF, INSTRAW and OSCE-ODIHR have jointly initiated the process of creating a Gender and SSR toolkit. A few changes have been made to the project proposal (see the attached project concept) and a draft toolkit template has be created (also attached).

We look forward to your feedback and at this point we are seeking potential authors and expert reviewers for the tools on:

1. Police Reform and Gender

2. Defence Reform and Gender

3. Justice Reform and Gender

4. Penal Reform and Gender

5. Border Management and Gender

6. Parliamentarians: Security Sector Oversight and Gender

7. National Security Policy and Gender

8. Civil Society Oversight of the Security Sector and Gender

9. Privatisation of Security and Gender

By 30 March 2007
Don't hesitate to contact me with any feedback or questions.

Kristin Valasek
Gender and Security Sector Reform Project Officer
Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
Rue de Chantepoulet 11
CH - 1211 Geneva
Tel: +41 (0) 22 741 77 29
Fax: +41 (0) 22 741 77 05


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