Attachments: Ekberg ArticleVAW updated0504271 (1).pdf
UN Study focus of WUNRN
Juridical Aspects
A.1.International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights
   2.Conventions Related to Slavery
   2.Convention on the Rights of the Child
Factual Aspects
B.Women's Health
E.Right to Dignity
  1.Prostitution & Slavery
  2.Rape & Sexual Abuse
Full pdf article by Gunilla Ekberg is attached.
Page 12 of Report:
"As a direct consequence of alleged sexual exploitation and abuse of women and girls by United Nations peacekeeping troups in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan, released a much-awaited strategy to eliminate future sexual exploitation  and abuse in United Nations peacekeeping operations in April 2005.............."
"In contrast to peacekeepers from other countries, Swedish peacekeeping forces stationed abroad are subject to the Law. 33"
Reference 33 - According to the Penal Code, chapter 2, section 3 (2): "Even in cases other than those listed in section 2, crimes committed outside the Realm shall be adjudged according to Swedish law and by a Swedish court: for example, 3. if the crime was committed in the course of duty outside the Realm by a person employed in a foreign contingent of the Swedish armed forces or a foreign contingent of the Swedish police force."
"In 2002, three military officers stationed at the Swedish Kosovo Force (KFOR) battalion in Kosovo
were charged and convicted for purchasing sexual services in Macedonia during a furlough." (FN-befal, 2002; Sodertalje Tingsratt, 2001)

This article is an updated version of the article, "The Swedish Law That Prohibits the Purchase of Sexual Services: Best Practices for Prevention of Prostitution and Trafficking in Human Beings," published in the October 2004 issue of the journal Violence against Women. 2004; 10:1187-1218. (Sage Publications, United States: 2004).

The Swedish Law That Prohibits the Purchase of A Sexual Service: Best Practices for Prevention of Prostitution and Trafficking in Human Beings


Ministry of Industry, Employment, and Communications


After several years of public debate initiated by the Swedish women's movement, the Law that Prohibits the Purchase of Sexual Services came into force on January 1, 1999. The Law is the first attempt by a country to address the root cause of prostitution and trafficking in beings: the demand, the men who assume the right to purchase persons for prostitution purposes. This groundbreaking law is a cornerstone of Swedish efforts to create a contemporary, democratic society where women and girls can live lives free of all forms of male violence. In combination with public education, awareness-raising campaigns, and victim support, the Law and other legislation establish a zero tolerance policy for prostitution and trafficking in human beings. When the buyers risk punishment, the number of men who buy prostituted persons decreases, and the local prostitution markets become less lucrative. Traffickers will then choose other and more profitable destinations.

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