The Network of
East-West Women (NEWW)
Founded in 1991 NEWW is an international communication and resource network supporting
dialogue, informational exchange and activism among those concerned about the
status of women in Central and Eastern Europe, the Newly Independent States,
and the Russian Federation. NEWW coordinates research and advocacy that supports
women’s equality and full participation in all aspects of public and private
life. NEWW is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social
Council of the United Nations. With members in more than 30 countries NEWW is
among the largest and most respected networks in CEE/NIS, and is a trusted source
of expertise, resources and information about gender in democratizing societies.
Activities include; Women’s Network, Gender Budget, Women Human Rights
Institute, “Our Bodies, Ourselves,” Legal Counseling, New Technologies
for Women, Psychological Counseling a Library and the Internet.