Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development (APWLD)
The Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
is an international membership organization connecting, informing
and mobilizing people and organizations committed to achieving
gender equality, sustainable development and women's human
rights. AWID's goal is to cause policy, institutional and
individual change that will improve the lives of women and
girls everywhere. We do this by facilitating ongoing debates
on fundamental and provocative issues as well as by building
the individual and organizational capacities of those working
for women's empowerment and social justice. AWID members
are researchers, academics, students, educators, activists,
business people, policy-makers, development practitioners,
funders, and more. The AWID international forum, occurring
every three years, is AWID's flagship event. This event brings
together diverse stakeholders from all disciplines and all
ages in the gender and development and women's human rights