International Association of Charities AIC
Founded in 1617 AIC is the eldest organization of lay women
in the world. Today it joins 250.000 local volunteers, women
working the social field, organized in 52 national associations
or groups. Their activities are based on common criteria
(guidelines). AIC is stressing on qualified volunteer work,
empowerment, participation of the poor and networking by
concrete projects and political action favouring justice
and peace. However AIC members are independent associations
with equal rights. They decide on their own projects corresponding
to particular and prevailing requirements. Worldwide AIC
member’s activities are focused on women and their
specific needs: Education and training, health care, fight
against violence, community development, creation of jobs,
and micro-credits. Special target groups are: Single mothers,
the elderly, ethnic minorities, migrants, orphans from AIDS,
poor families, and women suffering from extreme poverty,
illiteracy, and violence. On the international level AIC
is offering to its members exchange, partnership/twinning,
the evaluation of projects and training on participative
leadership, the MDG, networking and technical skills.
AIC is collaborating (general or specific consultative status)
with ECOSOC, UNESCO, and the Council of Europe and is member
of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum for social development.
Based on its member’s experiences in the field AIC’s
international activities are focused on female poverty, violence
against women, migrants and informal education and labour,
interceding for social justice and peace. |