



To access FULL 17-Page Report, go to http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/RegularSessions/Session29/Pages/ListReports.aspx.

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United Nations



General Assembly

Distr.: General

27 March 2015


Original: English














Human Rights Council
Twenty-ninth session

Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the
High Commissioner and the Secretary-General

               Good Practices and Major Challenges in Preventing and Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation

                   Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 27/22 on intensifying global efforts and sharing good practices to effectively eliminate female genital mutilation. Following a brief overview of issues related to that practice and the applicable legal framework, the report contains a summary of some of the initiatives undertaken by States, United Nations entities and non-governmental and other organizations to eliminate it, and an analysis of the continued challenges. The report contains a number of conclusions and recommendations, as well as the observations that female genital mutilation in all its forms is prohibited under international human rights law and that States have an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil the right of women and girls to live free from female genital mutilation. The report includes a call on States to, inter alia, adopt and implement legislation that prohibits female genital mutilation, in accordance with international human rights law; develop comprehensive policies to address female genital mutilation, involving all levels of government; promote the education of girls; undertake education and awareness-raising initiatives; challenge the social norms supporting female genital mutilation and delink the practice from religion, social norms, harmful stereotypes and cultural beliefs that perpetuate discrimination against women; harness political leadership to end the practice; and harmonize data collection.



                                                                                                                                                                              Paragraphs        Page

                I.      Introduction......................................................................................................... 1–2              3

               II.      Definition and legal framework........................................................................... 3–11              3

              III.      Good practices to eliminate female genital mutilation........................................ 12–57              6

                         A.     Legislative measures.................................................................................. 12–16              6

                         B.     Comprehensive action plans...................................................................... 17–18              7

                         C.     Education and awareness-raising............................................................... 19–28              8

                         D.     Engaging religious and community leaders.................................................. 29–31              9

                         E.      Other initiatives to address societal attitudes and support for female genital
                                   mutilation.................................................................................................. 32–37           10

                         F.      Political leadership.......................................................................................... 38           11

                         G.     Promoting alternative rites of passage....................................................... 39–41           11

                         H.     Cross-border, regional and international cooperation initiatives.................. 42–43           12

                         I.       Protection and support services................................................................. 44–47           12

                         J.      Addressing female genital mutilation in minority communities.................... 48–57           13

             IV.      Challenges in addressing female genital mutilation............................................ 58–66           14

               V.      Conclusions and recommendations................................................................... 67–72           16