



Women have a right to menstruate in dignity and to know about their own bodies. Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) is a neglected women-specific sanitation need in its own right but can also act as a means of increasing girls’ school engagement and creating a foundation for good reproductive health choices throughout their lives


Menstrual Hygiene Management - Women’s & Girls' Rights


Lack of support for Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) is acting as a barrier to girls’ empowerment through an insidious impact on their ability to engage in education and make good decisions about their reproductive health. There is also systemic misinformation and stigma around women’s reproductive health ranging from doctors teaching that sex is the only cure for period pain to the belief that menstruating women are dirty and can contaminate others. This poor information environment is further disempowering due to a lack of affordable sanitary products, forcing girls to use unhygienic and inadequate alternatives like dirty rags and corn husks.

Through neglecting to act on this issue, international players working towards the realisation of women’s human rights fail to address a factor affecting their rights to basic sanitation, education and health. This neglect is symptomatic of a development paradigm that does not value women-specific experiences and which justifies investment in women through instrumental measures that reflect their utility to wider society, particularly via their role as mothers. It also reflects a development agenda that despite its best efforts is failing to hear the voices of the women and girls it serves.

Irise International, an innovative and fast growing organisation run by young professionals in Uganda and the UK, is dedicated to improving Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). It was founded in 2012 in response to the concerns of East African schoolgirls about the impact menstruation was having on their lives. 

Their survey of 1,906 girls across the Great Lakes Region suggest that issues around MHM are widespread:


·         Proportion of girls who report missing school because of menstruation: 50%

·         Mean days missed because of menstruation: 1.6

·         Range of days missed because of menstruation: 0-11

·         Proportion of girls using cloths/rags some or all of the time:68%

·         Proportion of girls who believe menstrual pain is a sign of illness: 52%


However despite these realities MHM remains a neglected issue. Irise works to develop a replicable and sustainable solution to MHM through setting-up local social enterprises producing reusable pads and delivering Menstrual Health Education (MHE). Social enterprises create flexible employment for women and MHE empowers girls to make choices about their own bodies.

Irise has developed and refined its model in response to research about girls’ needs and the effectiveness of programme interventions. The organisation now has a replicable and evidence-based model for delivering re-usable sanitary pads and menstrual health education to disadvantaged girls in rural communities in Uganda. To know more about Irise International and their work visit their website by clicking here


This Gender update is the result of BRIDGE and Irise International collaboration.

The following is a selection of key resources related to the topic of gender and Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) recently added to the BRIDGE global resources database.  

·         Menstrual Health Education Resource

This Menstrual Hygiene Toolkit is intended as a resource for delivering menstrual health education and is tailored to communities across East Africa. It is part of a set of rights-based, girl-positive menstrual and reproductive health resources.


·         Menstrual Hygiene Matters. Training guide for practitioners

This new training guide is the latest contribution to building the knowledge base around MHM and raising awareness of the issue globally. It seeks to support facilitators with tools to develop and facilitate sessions or workshops on MHM amongst development practitioners.


·         A vicious cycle of silence: the implications of the menstrual hygiene taboo for the realisation of the human rights of women and girls

This paper explores the implications of the menstruation taboo on the fulfilment of women and girls’ human rights and assesses the extent to which the menstruation taboo is addressed by international United Nations treaties and human rights bodies. It includes findings from a case study in Uganda.


·         Grow and Know

The Grow and Know programme aims to empower young girls and boys to reach their potential through improved education and preparation for life. It develops books for girls and boys that are grounded in the local social, cultural, and economic context, and that capture the real perspectives of young people growing up today. Initially targeted at Tanzanian boys and girls, it was then adapted for audiences in Cambodia, Ghana and Ethiopia.


·         Menstrupedia - Your guide to healthy periods

Menstrupedia aims to deliver informative and entertaining content through different media and to shatter myths and misunderstandings surrounding menstruation. It was developed in India by a team of communications professionals, artists, storytellers and medical professionals.


·         Hommage à la femme : la gestion de l’hygiène menstruelle. Briser le silence

L’hygiène menstruelle reste un sujet tabou. Les conventions internationales sur les droits reproductifs et sexuels ne les mentionnent pas explicitement. Même les secteurs tels que l’eau et l’assainissement ignorent la nécessité pour les femmes et les filles de disposer d’espaces surs pour gérer et éliminer les serviettes utilisées pour absorber le sang menstruel.