


The Invisibility of Unpaid Care & Why Care Matters - Gender



Unpaid care forms a vital service and is the bedrock of many societies. The work undertaken sustains both households and the physical and psychological wellbeing of its members, as well as contributing to the functioning of the market economy.

Unpaid care work also cross cuts with many other international development issues including human rights, education, HIV and AIDS, health more broadly, nutrition, social protection, migration and climate change. It is also relevant to almost all aspects of gender equality. In other words, it is an issue so fundamental that it should be considered in all development interventions, across all sectors.

However there is a reluctance to engage with care issues and its adverse impacts on gender equality. For some, care is perceived as secondary to more ‘important’ development issues such as income generation or education, even though it is a major obstacle to both. Others argue that women naturally belong to the realm of family, or that women’s care- giving roles are specific to local culture and are best left alone. Some shy away from meddling in the ‘private realm’ of the family. This ignores the fact that, as many feminists have persuasively argued, and as is explicitly recognised in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) what goes on in the private realm is political.

For governments, particularly in contexts of severely constrained state resources, it may be that the care work provided without charge by family members offers a conveniently low-cost form of welfare provision.

This reluctance to discuss and engage in issues of unpaid care work reinforces care’s invisibility and the way it is undervalued in society. Whilst these are not new concerns, the problems surrounding the provision of care are becoming more pressing in the light of emerging ‘care crises’ in many parts of the world.

At the root of these crises is the decreasing availability and willingness of women and girls to do unpaid care work which is linked to positive trends such as rising female educational achievement and aspirations, and increases in female participation in the labour force. The crisis resulting from the diminishing availability of female caring labour is exacerbated by the reluctance of most men to take up a larger share of unpaid care work, coupled in some cases with the reluctance or inability of states to provide affordable and accessible welfare services.

At the same time, everyone has the right to care and the need for care is escalating in many regions – most notably in low - income countries heavily affected by the HIV pandemic and in high and middle income countries with large ageing populations. The economic crisis has also squeezed public services placing more burden on care providers, many of them women.