

Euromed Feminist Initiative


                                                                  WOMEN’S SUBJUGATION CANNOT BE DISSOCIATED FROM ALL OTHER FORMS OF OPPRESSION


European Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI, now enlarged to Euromed Feminist Initiative, is a policy network of independent women’s rights organizations from the two shores of the Mediterranean and Caucasus. The first General Assembly of the network took place on 4th December 2014 in Beirut. It analysed and discussed the political developments and women’s status in the Euromed region and elected its leading body. The Assembly shared views on a context that deprive millions of women in the Euromed from access to their basic human rights: to resources, education, health, responsibilities, full citizenship, meaning the right to live without violence and to control their own bodies and lives, and underlined the following issues:


Along with the ongoing activities demanding a political solution for Syria, implementation of the UNSCR 1325 to ensure the equal participation of women in peace processes and supporting gender inclusive transitions towards democracy in the whole region, three main work priorities have been agreed upon:


Euromed Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI will continue to advocate for women’s rights as universal human rights and full part of democracy and citizenship, together against war and occupation, for the right of peoples to self-determination. Through its platform, Euromed Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI speaks out for women's universal rights, locally, regionally and internationally.


Beirut, 4th  December 2014