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IV. Conclusion and Recommendations


76. The present report articulates the challenge of 20 years of normativity, without

legality, in addressing violence against women, largely through the use of soft law

approaches. Despite the existence of interpretative guidelines and monitoring by

human rights treaty bodies and the universal periodic review, the limitations of large

and varied monitoring mandates, coupled with time constraints when examining State

party reports, result in insufficient interrogation concerning the information relating

to violence against women, its causes and consequences, and insufficient assessment of

responses. Furthermore, the lack of specific legally enforceable standards further

impacts attempts to ensure appropriate responses and also accountability for acts of

violence against women, which is acknowledged as a widespread and systematic

human rights violation.


77. The Special Rapporteur recommends that the Human Rights Council

undertake an inquiry into the normative gap, in a quest to further strengthen efforts

to eliminate violence against women.


78. As regards the other challenges raised in the present report, the Special

Rapporteur recommends that the Secretary-General initiate a study on the impact of

such challenges in the quest to eliminate violence against women.