

India - CEDAW & Elimination of Discrimination against Women & Girls with Disabilities


Ms. Kuhu Das
Founder, Director
Association for Women with Disabilities, Kolkata, 
West Bengal, India
Phone - +91-9432010500, 
Email – kuhu.awwd@gmail.com

Despite the significant progress made in different fields of life, gender inequality and discrimination in accessing rights by women in general and especially women of the most vulnerable sections of the society, is still a major issue in India. Most of the women in the suburb or rural areas, women of the backward class, or women belonging to vulnerable group experience denial of even fundamental rights till date. Issues of discriminations & denial of rights that faced by Women with Disabilities (WWDs) are still mostly ignored by everyone – Government as well as civil society. WWDs are not only a socially invisible category but their plights are worse than both men with disabilities and other non-disabled women. There is a lack of serious discourse around advancement and ensuring rights of WWDs among the GOs, NGOs and civil society, nationally and at International forums as well.


Globally CEDAW is considered to be the foundation of most policies and actions taken for elimination of discrimination towards women, as the Convention laid down specific guidelines to the states-parties for gender equality, justice and empowerment of women. Though the Convention speaks for rights of “all women”, only with the Beijing Declaration in 1995 WWDs were mentioned as a vulnerable group. However, except that, no significant effort has been made for them afterwards. In India, among the laws enacted to fulfil the CEDAW obligations, none includes any specific clauses for elimination of discriminations against WWDs.


This year the CEDAW Committee considered the combined 4th & 5th periodic reports of the Indian State and the Alternative report and the oral submission by the Indian Women’s Organisations. For that occasion I had been working a lot for mainstreaming the issue of gender & disability and thereby ensuring Equal Rights & Opportunities for WWDs and I raised my voice in different women forums especially with NAWO (National Alliance of Women’s Organisations), which works closely to monitor the CEDAW process. Over the time the members of the alliance became aware and sensitized, so that the WWD issue was included and was raised as an “important emerging issue” in the Alternative report. The CEDAW Committee took note of it and asked State-party delegation about the steps taken to improve the situation of W&GWDs.


In response, the State-party delegation was very generic, it informed about the pending RPD Bill in Indian Parliament, reservation in few government jobs (which are mostly of D Category) and formation of Disability Commission both at National & State level but nothing specific to prioritizing gender issue within disability. So the Committee in the concluding remarks expressed its concern, especially about the denial of legal capacities of women with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities. It specifies that “women with disabilities experience a high rate of poverty, lack of access to education, employment and health services, especially in rural areas; face multiple challenges, including the lack of adequate access to public spaces and utilities, often experience harassment in public; and are excluded from decision-making processes.” It further expressed concern over lack of disaggregated disability data which fails to take account the responses to violence against women with disabilities and their type of impairment.


It was a remarkable achievement. The Committee recommendations were comprehensive, significant and encompassed the key areas for elimination of discrimination against Women & Girls with Disabilities.

For disabled women activists it was a recognition which the WWDs deserved for very long time. Now the course of action is having a guideline to be followed, even if there is a long way to go for the disabled women activists to make it happen. And that is the challenge now in front of us: a genuine strategic plan of action & implementation of that by the State to fulfill its commitments according to the CEDAW recommendations.

The final version of the pending RPD bill reduced down the clause on rights of WWD in few lines, and has chopped up all the specific clauses, which is nothing but clear reflection of apathy towards issues of WWDs. If it is passed as it is then, for obvious reason, the RPD Bill – Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill - will fail to address the issues that the Committee acknowledged as extremely urgent and asked State for definite actions.

In such situation to go forward strong and strategic advocacy is needed at national, provincial and international level. Partnership and collaboration is essential with Women’s Rights organizations and platforms at all level to make Government act to fulfill its commitment towards elimination of discriminations against WWDs.

AWWD as an organization by and for WWDs will continue to scale up its advocacy activities in achieving the goal. Pangea Foundation (a Women’s Rights Organization based in Italy) has been a strong partner of AWWD for last seven years, who helped and supported AWWD not only to advocate with NAWO, India at national level and other women’s forum at state level, but also to work in international sessions. There has been strong hand holding between Pangea & AWWD to advocate for the issue in all possible form. Participating together in the CSW57, for example, helped AWWD to raise the issue very strongly & effectively at the International forum. As we have to still go a long way, there is an urgent need of making joint, collaborative strategic advocacy plan to further scale up the activities and develop networking with more numbers of likeminded forums at International level, creating pressure on the State for implementation and monitoring of the actions. That will be one of the most important part in the plan for future actions of AWWD and Pangea, to uphold and ensure “Equal Rights & No Discriminations” Against Women & Girls with Disabilities.









By Jayna Kothari – August 15, 2014

The new Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill 2014 has been tabled in the Parliament and, instead of excitement and optimism about this new bill, there is serious concern within the disability rights movement. The draft RPD Bill has been on the cards for the last four years and there has been much debate and controversy surrounding the manner in which the final draft of the Bill was made, the inputs made by the government, and the final version presented to the Parliament.[1] How does this Bill serve for the recognition of rights of persons with disabilities? Does it encompass all the requirements of the UNCRPD that it was aimed to have? Does it advance the rights of persons with disabilities significantly from the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995 (“PWD Act”) that is currently in force? I will attempt to answer these questions from the starting point of the definition of persons with disabilities.

Definition of Persons with Disabilities

One of the most controversial and limiting aspects of the PWD Act has been the definition given to “person with disabilities.” Under the PWD Act presently, all entitlements are limited to persons with disabilities, who is defined as persons having 40% or more of any of the seven stated disabilities – blindness, low vision, hearing impairment, locomotor disability, mental retardation, mental illness, and leprosy. This definition was a huge stumbling block as it limits the scope of the benefits under the PWD Act only to persons who fall within this restricted medical definition. By specifying only the above seven different categories of disability with the additional burden of showing that such disability is not less that 40% as certified by a medical authority, the definition of a person with disability becomes extremely narrow, as compared to most progressive disability discrimination legislations the world over.

This definition was a serious issue that was taken up under the RPD Bill drafting where it was mooted that the definition should be inclusive and from a social model as provided under the UNCRPD, which defines a person with disability as “including those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”

Under the present RPD Bill, surprisingly, there are three separate categories of persons with disabilities:

At the very outset, therefore, the law differentiates persons with disabilities into three separate categories.

While the definition under section 2 (q) is broad and inclusive, a detailed examination of the entire Bill reveals that this definition is mere tokenism. While equality, non-discrimination and access are all guaranteed for all persons with disabilities, most entitlements relating to education and employment under the Bill are only for persons with benchmark disabilities and reproduces the medical model of understanding disability that is prevalent in the PWD Act. Under the chapter of education, the right to free and compulsory education, the provision of free books, assistive devices, and scholarships are restricted to children with benchmark disabilities. Reservation of seats in higher education is also limited to students with benchmark disabilities. Even in the case of employment, the reservation in public employment is restricted to persons with benchmark disabilities, the schemes for concessional allotment of land, and other poverty alleviation schemes are also only for persons with benchmark disabilities. The provision for seeking high support from the government in the form of any intensive physical or psychological support required for a person for his or her daily activities including education, employment, and therapy can also only be made by a person with benchmark disability.

While the number of disabilities covered under the “benchmark disabilities” is increased from 7 to 19, this is certainly not the way forward for a legislation aimed to address full protection of rights of persons with disabilities. This restricted list of 19 disabilities would still not cover hundreds of other disabilities. For example, under the PWD Act, in the case of Union of India v. Devendra Kumar Pant &Ors.,[2] the Supreme Court had to decide on a matter where a person having colour blindness was promoted to a post which required him to clear a medical fitness test, which included a requirement of colour perception as a minimum standard. The Supreme Court failed to find this as an issue of discrimination under Section 47 (2) of the PWD Act. In doing so, it held that lack of colour perception is neither blindness nor low vision and is therefore apparently not a disability under the Act. The Court held that “it is doubtful whether a person lacking colour perception can claim to be a person entitled to any benefit under the Act.”[3] It was to remove such exclusions from rights guaranteed under the PWD Act, that a broad and all-encompassing definition for persons with disabilities was recommended by the disability rights movement, which was not disability specific, but is only defined as any long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment, which hinders a person’s full and effective participation in society equally with others.

Further, the definition of benchmark disability still requires the person prove medically that he or she has 40% or more of the said disability. Such a narrow definition of disability is based on the assumption that only severely disabled persons, i.e. persons whose disability is more than 40%, are in need for any entitlements under the law. This, in turn, presumes that disability discrimination is actually and only invoked by a certain degree of impairment, which again locates the problem of disability discrimination inside the individual victim.[4] The opposite is in fact true: disability discrimination is the result of treatment, attitudes and social structures. Such narrow definitions of disability in discrimination laws indirectly purport the individual / medical model of disability.[5]

This kind of a two definition structure within the draft Bill creates a second class status for all persons who do not have a benchmark disability, as they would not be entitled for any of the tangible benefits listed above. If the Bill is passed in this form, the law would have failed to internalize the key message of the disability rights movement – that disability has to be understood not as an attribute of an individual, but, rather, a complex collection of conditions and barriers, many of which are created by the social environment. From this perspective, disability cannot be medically defined as any specified number of conditions with a percentage of severity. If such a definition of benchmark disabilities is retained in the RPD Bill, it would just be a case of repackaging the old PWD Act in a new bottle.


Jayna Kothari is an advocate practising in the Karnataka High Court and, also, Director, Centre for Law and Policy Research, Bangalore. Her book, The Future of Disabiity Law was published in 2012 by OUP (Delhi).

[1]AmitaDhanda, “A Retrograde and Incoherent Law” (The Hindu, 6 Feb 2014) Available at http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-opinion/a-retrograde-and-incoherent-law/article5658595.ece Last accessed 6th August 2014

[2](2010)1 SCJ 455

[3] Ibid

[4] T Degener, “The Definition of Disability in German and Foreign Discrimination Law” Disability Studies Quarterly, Vol 26, No. 2 (2006)

[5] Ibid