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Author: Berhane Raswork

Publisher: Janus Publishing Company LTD.

Cambridge, UK.

Year of Publication: 2014




About the Book


It is a delectable and factual narrative accounts by an African woman on her experiences in the fight against harmful traditional practices especially Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), a deeply rooted act with traditional, cultural and religious links. It records the challenges, dilemmas, intrigues, failures, chagrin of traditional leadership including threats of death encountered in the fight against the highly guarded, secretive, weighty and sensitive act as well as the processes engaged in securing attention at local, regional and international levels to enforce the rights of women to their prized bodily part. The need to secure help for women and girls and bring to an end to their travails and pain too difficult to describe coupled with unnecessary deaths propped her into action. The danger of the practice which was laced with invisibility, silence and indifference being exported by migrants and the pseudo-practice of medical surgery in order to give it a new face greatly made her resolve to find practical ways of securing change through bridge building between Africa and Europe, a lifetime commitment. 


The 196-paged book opens with a vivid prologue highlighting the gruesome nature of mutilating the most sensitive part of the female anatomy without anesthesia and under the most unimaginable and unhygienic conditions based on the unsubstantiated misconception of checking promiscuity among girls and women and preparing them for their husbands, etc. As an African issue, the book depicts and meaningfully summarizes the context and content of each beginning section of the book with flavored African proverbs which have loaded meanings thereby setting the tone to enhance further understanding of the issues at stake.


The leverage by Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) particularly the Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children (IAC), an organization which she cofounded, and describes as a ‘family’ handling a family issue, the book gives a guided tour of the careful planning process to ensure that FGM which had the potential of grounding the development of girls and women and ultimately, nations, is eradicated. The book posits ways of handling the ‘sensitive’ issue of FGM by highlighting the essence of cooperation and partnership with national NGOs, women, men, media, governments, parliaments, law enforcement agencies, and religious leaders, African Union (AU), European Union (EU), International NGOs and the United Nations (UN). It harps on the honoring of commitments and sustaining local,  regional and international synergies and initiatives as keys that have unlocked the ‘silence’ and ‘indifference’ that had enveloped the practice thereby paving way for its eradication.


It offers invaluable lessons on commitment to community responsibility and the essence of awareness raising, advocacy, sensitization, education, lobbying and eradication campaigns, sharpening commitments and perfecting strategies in the eradication of FGM without ruffling many feathers. It sums up the struggle as a productive one that has earned recognition within the UN as a human right and reproductive health issue thereby engendering healthy engagement for keeping faith and hope of actualizing the elimination of FGM and other harmful traditional and cultural practices. This makes it must read for NGOs, medical professionals as well as individuals aspiring to have a world where the fundamental rights of all and particularly, that of women are recognized, fostered and maintained.
