





When women are poor, their rights are not protected. They face obstacles that may be extraordinarily difficult to overcome. This results in deprivation in their own lives and losses for the broader society and economy, as women's productivity is well known as one of the greatest generators of economic dynamism.



University of Oxford




1. Cultural conceptions of shame, poverty and the associations between them
An exploration of dominant cultural values surrounding poverty and shame in each participating country will be achieved through an analysis in each cultural context of at least two media in including literature, film, television drama and theatre.

2. Learning from people with direct experience of poverty
In each of the participating countries, in-depth interviews conducted with adults and children living in low income households to determine whether and how they experience shame in relation to their economic status.

3. Society and shaming
Ways in which the wider public may, consciously or otherwise, play a role in shaming people living in poverty will be examined through a) focus group discussions with persons of low-middle and middle-high income status and b) statistical analysis of the World Values Survey in each of the participating countries.

4. Policy analysis of social assistance and other anti-poverty programmes
This work package will identify language, policy structures and implementation practices likely to moderate or exacerbate any shame attached to being poor. The combined components of the study will assist the preparation of a set of principles to inform the future design of anti-poverty policy which have global relevance.

COUNTRY SPECIFIC RESOURCES - http://povertyshamedignity.spi.ox.ac.uk/countries.html - China, India, Norway, Pakistan, South Korea, Uganda, UK

WORKING PAPERS - http://povertyshamedignity.spi.ox.ac.uk/resources-and-toolkit/comparative-working-papers-cross-national.html

1.       Cultural conceptions of poverty and shame in seven diverse societies*
These summary papers provide an overview of the comparative analysis across the seven countries for each of the four stages of research. A more detailed analysis of findings will be available in future publications. 

2.       Experiences of poverty and shame in diverse cultural settings*
A brief overview of how the research was conducted, who carried out the research and the main findings for each of the countries participating in the research can be found on the country-specific web pages. 

3.       Public perceptions of poverty in diverse cultural settings*
An overview of each of the international conferences and seminars held throughout the duration of the study are available. Key note presentations for each of the participating countries together with participant lists and details of round table discussions are contained within the conference pages.

4.       Anti-Poverty Policy and Shame in Diverse Societies*
This report seeks to test the theoretical proposition that, while anti-poverty policies may mediate shame, they may also play a role in heightening the shame experienced by individuals living in poverty.

5.       _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




A look at poverty, shame, and the wealth divide within Pakistan through the eyes of Lahore’s poorest and richest residents, depicting the polarisations in profession, education, social life.

