





Statement by Widows for Peace through Democracy, June, 2014





WIDOWS, especially in developing countries, are the very poorest and most vulnerable of women, and suffer from significant discrimination and abuse due to oppressive interpretations of religion and tradition across a range of regions and cultures. Yet widows and widowhood are nowhere mentioned in the Beijing Platform for Action nor in any of the Outcome Documents of successive CSWs.


The CSW review of the BPFA in 2015 offers a new opportunity to remedy this grave omission, since every one of the 12 action areas in the Plan of Action have critical relevance to the status of widows, of all ages and in every country.


Now, more than ever before, there is an urgent need for governments to address the complex and challenging issues of widowhood since armed conflicts, sectarian violence, revolutions, natural disasters, harmful traditional practices (such as child marriage)  and HIV/AIDS have hugely increased the numbers of widows. The majority of whom, of all ages, live in extreme poverty and fear. Yet they are mostly uncounted, and their voices unheard.


Widows are a category of women who merit special attention and differentiated programs and policies because they are recipients of specific negative treatments and bear particular disadvantages which must be remedied if we are to see the elimination of discrimination and violence to women, reduce their poverty, and ensure their full participation as equal citizens in peaceful and prospering societies.


In addition, the current financial crisis has worsened the situation of widows and their dependents in both developed  and developing countries, and in the latter there are few that have a social security system, that is effective.  In all countries, the ageing population is increasing, and the majority of the elderly are women and mostly widows.


It is essential that Member States now identify, count, and analyse the living conditions, needs, roles and hopes of widows in their jurisdictions, in keeping with the principles of the BPFA, the CEDAW, and UN SCR 1325 and its successive resolutions.,


Strategies to achieve the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) post 2015 must cover the status of widows and their children, since widowhood is a root cause of poverty across the generations.


 Widows are differentially and negatively treated in every one of the 12 action areas. Paragraph 68 (a) should require that data be disaggregated to include “marital status”, along with gender and age. Statistical indicators should assess the rights and conditions of widows, including but not limited to, statistics on land, property, credit, training, employment, social security, healthcare, violent incidents, refugees, migrants, participation in negotiations, etc. New data should be collected to investigate the status of widows in relevant areas in which data is currently uncollected.


A summary of the issues specific to widows are listed under each of the 12 action areas below.


Twelve Action Areas - The Special Factors for Widows


1. Women and Poverty.

A. Widows experience a unique lack of rights to inheritance, land and

      property ownership, leading to abject poverty:

·        Widows in many traditional communities are stripped of their belongings and evicted from their homes by the husband’s male relatives upon his death.

·        Even in developed countries, the dependence of elderly widows on state pensions often indicates they live in relative poverty. 

·        In developing countries, there are few social security safety nets for widows at all. If a pension scheme does exist, it is usually of little monetary value, and easy for male relatives to exploit.

·        Eligibility requirements for benefits often mean that only a minority of widows receive these benefits, due to issues of bureaucracy, corruption,  illiteracy, mobility and access for widows.


B. The poverty of widows extends and expands to the lives and futures

     of their children:

·        Widows often withdraw their children from school, requiring their labour for the family to survive.

·        Many widows are forced to marry off,  or even to sell their girl children as they cannot afford to keep them. These child brides are destined for early widowhood.

·        A disproportionate number of the children begging on the streets of developing countries are the children of widows. 


2. Education and Training.

    Married when young, many widows are illiterate and untrained, and yet they are

    the sole supporters of their families.

·        The children of widows are often withdrawn from school for their labour, with daughters most likely to be withdrawn since their educational needs are so often undervalued.

·        The daughters of widows are also likely to be withdrawn from school to enter forced early child marriage with an older man, yielding another cycle of impoverished young widowhood when that man dies. 


3.  Women and Health. 

     Research has shown the morbidity and mortality of widows is sharply higher

     than of married women of a similar age. Contributing factors are:

·        Traditional widowhood rites which are often injurious and demeaning

·        Poverty, lack of shelter or adequate nutrition, and exploitative labour

·        Sexual exploitation and forced remarriage, both of which have implications relating to the spread of HIV/AIDS

·        Poor access to medical care, coupled with social shame, the stigma of AIDS, cost and distance as added deterrents.

·        Minimal access to reproductive facilities or the ability to exercise their rights over their own fertility

·        In all countries many widows, especially the elderly, suffer from depression due to isolation, poverty, and neglect.

·        In conflict-afflicted countries where sexual violence predominates, widows are often the first targets of rape and sexual slavery, being without male protection, They therefore suffer from multiple stigma, as widows, as rape victims and because they are infected with the AIDS virus.


4. Violence Against Women.

    Customary and religious laws in various countries may legitimise physical, sexual 

    and psychological violence against widows. This violence is in effect condoned by

    States when they fail to address it. 

·        Widespread and systematic violence suffered by widows due to their status as widows must be identified as such and Widows included in Paragraphs 113 &116.

·        Governments must ensure that widows are protected from violence, including within countries which are CEDAW members, despite that State's customary and religious laws.

·        Governments, international organisations and NGOs must close the information gap by studying the causes and consequences of violence against widows and take appropriate measures to eradicate it.

·        In many countries widows are coerced into mourning and burial rites which are degrading and harmful.  Often widows are demonised as witches, and are targets for physical and psychological violence, even murder.


5. Women in Armed Conflict. 

    Widows are particularly vulnerable to human rights violations in situations of

     armed conflict, ethnic cleansing, military occupation and the lawlessness that

     is common in post-conflict countries.

·        Widows predominate amongst IDPs and refugees, and are generally the last to be rehabilitated and re-integrated into society when peace agreements come to fruition, since they have  nowhere to go and no land rights..

·        Long after conflicts have ceased, widows continue to bear the brunt of the social, economic and upheaval endemic in such societies. 

·        Wives of the missing are equally adversely affected, and are further unable to rebuild their lives due to ambiguities as to their legal status.

·        Indicators for the implementation of UNSCR 1325 must include gathering data on the effect of widowhood in conflict-afflicted countries, and also ensuring the representation of widows in the peace-building process.


6. Women and the Economy. 

    Customary traditions make it hard for widows to achieve economic independence

    and parity. Contributing factors include: 

·        Lack of access to land, finance and credit

·        Limitations on widows’ mobility

·        Lack of remuneration for the work widows do as sole carers for their dependents 

·        Governments must devise economic policies that enable widows to contribute to the economy and fulfil their family obligations at the same time.


7. Women in Power and Decision Making. 

    Widows, due to their social isolation and low status, are often excluded from both  

    the politics and positions of power. 

·        Before all policy decisions are made, an analysis of the potential policy's impact on widows of all ages must be conducted.

·        Widows must be assisted to take a meaningful role in decision-making at all levels, particularly with regard to policies relating to the achievement of the MDGs; the Beijing Platform for Action; and the implementation of all human rights and UN conventions. 

·        The international community and Governments must support widows to organise their own associations and represent their own interests. 

·        Governments must ensure that widows are included in all peace negotiation processes.


8. Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women.

   The lack of information regarding widows in nearly every Member State makes it

   almost impossible for effective programs and policies to be developed that will

   achieve the international community's goals for women's progress.

·        Ministries for women established in member States must be granted sufficient resources to conduct research into the situation and numbers of widows and to collaborate with widows' associations.


9. Human Rights of Women. 

   Widowhood must be incorporated into all policies and programmes for women

    and their human rights in the context of the CEDAW, the Beijing Platform for

    Action and other human rights conventions. Governments must:

·        Deal with Reservations by CEDAW signatories via law

·        Educate all citizens about human rights norms, and particularly ensure that widows are made aware of their rights

·        Implement human rights norms

·        Particularly ensure that widows know their rights in situations of armed conflict


10. Women and the Media.

      The media can play an important role in advancing the rights of widows

·        Alter social attitudes towards widows by refraining from presenting widows in negative or sensational ways and highlighting widows' contributions to society

·        Alert widows to their rights


11. Women in the Environment. 

      In cases of migration and displacement due to environmental factors, it is most

      likely to be widows and their dependents who are left behind.


In addition, widows have essential roles to play in ensuring sustainable and ecologically sound development as they may be more open to new models and new methodologies as they build their lives anew. 


12. The Girl Child. 

      Daughters of widows are likely to suffer from numerous and multiple

      disadvantages that disproportionately affect them as compared with all girls,

      these disadvantages being in contravention of the principles enshrined in the

      Convention on the Rights of the Child:

·        Increased likelihood of more severe poverty as a result of their mother’s low socio-economic and sole head of household status

·        Increased likelihood of withdrawal from school

·        Increased likelihood of early marriage, entrapment by traffickers, and prostitution.

·        Governments must collect data and information on the outcomes specific to children whose mothers are widowed and child widows

·        Governments must abolish laws and customs that are injurious to the girl child and disproportionately to widows' daughters (such as child marriage and forced remarriage).


Margaret Owen, Director, WPD, Widows for Peace through Democracy

Email: director.wpd@googlemail.com