

Femicide - A Global Issue that Demands Action - Report


Direct Link to Full 136-Page 2014 Report:



The Academic Council on the United Nations System, Vienna Liaison is particularly proud to launch its second edition of “Femicide: A Global Issue that Demands Action.” Not only has the ACUNS Vienna femicide team assisted in drafting and pushing through the General Assembly Resolution 68/191 Taking action against gender-related killing of women and girls[1][1], but they have also organized and actively participated in numerous important events throughout the year.


On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, ACUNS Vienna organized its second annual symposium, focusing on Forced Marriage, Violence against Women and the Istanbul Convention.[2][2] It brought together high ranking diplomats, representatives from UNFPA, UN Women, UNICEF, OHCHR, and UNODC, with the President of the Austrian Parliament, Ms. Barbara Prammer, who addressed the meeting. The leading proponents of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women, Ms. Feride Acar, Ambassador Dubravka Simonovic, Ms. Gisela Wurm, Ms. Liri Kopaci-Di Michele and Mr. José Mendes Bota made convincing arguments as to why such a detailed convention was relevant and open to all countries.


This publication not only contains the proceedings of the symposium, but also includes recent resolutions, debates and legal instruments from the General Assembly, Security Council, Human Rights Council, the Crime Commission, statements of high-ranking officials as well as country and regional reports by Heinrich Böll Stiftung, experts and academia.


The publication highlights the most heinous crimes against women and girls, such as early, child and forced marriage, the use of sexual violence as a tactic of war, women's exacerbated vulnerability in armed conflict, pregnancies resulting from rape, as well as structural and domestic violence against migrant women. The importance of civil society including women's organizations to end impunity and to thoroughly investigate and prosecute persons responsible for these serious crimes was explicitly referred to.


With the support of the Thailand Institute of Justice, the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, the City of Vienna, the Organization of the Families of Asia and the Pacific (OFAP), and the Vienna Renner Institute, this publication was made possible. It is hoped that this "resource book" will contribute to the worldwide campaign to stop Femicide and all forms of violence against women and girls.

[1][1] https://www.unodc.org/documents/commissions/CCPCJ/Crime_Resolutions/2010-2019/2013/General_Assembly/A-RES-68-191.pdf

[2][2] http://acuns.org/symposium-forced-marriages-and-violence-against-women-in-the-migrant-community/