

DCAF, OSCE/ODIHR  and the OSCE Gender Section announce the publication of three guidance notes on GENDER & THE SECURITY SECTOR


v  Integrating Gender into Internal Police Oversight (http://www.dcaf.ch/Publications/Integrating-Gender-into-Internal-Police-Oversight)

v  Integrating a Gender Perspective into Internal Oversight within Armed Forces (http://www.dcaf.ch/Publications/Integrating-a-Gender-Perspective-into-Internal-Oversight-within-Armed-Forces)

v  Integrating Gender into Oversight of the Security Sector by Ombuds Institutions & National Human Rights Institutions (http://www.dcaf.ch/Publications/Integrating-Gender-into-Oversight-of-the-Security-Sector-by-Ombuds-Institutions-National-Human-Rights-Institutions)

How can police and armed forces monitor whether they provide equal opportunities for men and women? How can they measure whether they address the different security needs of men and women? How can they demonstrate their progress on integrating gender issues? How can they be held accountable?


Designed as a complement to the DCAF, OSCE/ODIHR , UN-INSTRAW Gender and Security Sector Reform Toolkit, and DCAF’s Gender Self Assessment Guide, the guidance notes focus on integrating gender into systems and processes within police services and armed forces, and on equipping external oversight bodies, such as ombuds institutions & national human rights institutions, to appropriately prioritise gender.


The guidance notes contain checklists, examples and a self assessment table. They are a practical resource for those working at the strategic or management level in police services and armed forces; gender units, gender advisers and gender focal points; equal opportunities officers and others responsible for human resources; ombuds institutions & national human rights institutions; and those supporting the development of good governance and/or gender mainstreaming within the security sector.


We invite you to USE the notes, and SHARE them widely. Please contact DCAF if you would like hard copies.



Gender and Security Programme
Operations III Division  
Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) 