





Soraya Post and the other feminist candidates were compelled to run after tiring of women's rights and equality being shunned.

– May 23, 2014

This weekend it looks likely that the first MEP to represent a feminist party will be elected to the European parliament – Soraya Post of the Swedish Feminist Initiative. The elections are also the first time that French candidates who are specifically feminist have stood for the European parliament, on a list I set up: Féministes pour une Europe Solidaire (Feminists for a United Europe).

The rise of feminist candidates in Sweden, France and Germany has prompted questions about why they are standing, and why feminist MEPs might be necessary in Europe. In France in recent years feminist activists, both women and men, have chosen various strategies to put feminism at the heart of the political agenda – protesting against the political parties at public events, or getting involved with organisations on the left. The reason large numbers of activists have decided to bite the bullet and get involved in the European elections is to respond to two pressing problems: women's rights and a social crisis.

When it comes to women's rights, people across Europe have looked on in astonishment as Spain has moved backwards on women's rights to control their own bodies. Put simply, the conservative government is planning to ban abortion except in cases of rape or where there is a danger to the mother. What have the European institutions had to say? Nothing. Stony silence, as if the right to abortion was not the cornerstone on which all other women's rights are built. Without the freedom to control our own bodies, it is impossible to imagine women achieving equality in professional or political life, or within the family.

The Spanish decision on abortion underlines the fact that, while Europe has made progress towards equality, we have not yet won. To take another example, one European woman in three has been the victim of some form of physical or sexual abuse. One in three!

The social position of women in Europe is also a pressing issue. Austerity policies that hit Europeans are an economic aberration as well as a human rights disaster – and they affect women in particular. This is true when member states decide to freeze public sector salaries, as in France, or reduce the number of public sector employees, as in the UK. "But that affects everyone," I hear you say. True. But in Europe almost 70% of public sector workers are women. When you freeze public sector salaries you primarily affect women. And you slow progress towards equality, which wasn't that fast in the first place.

The feminist candidates who have run in this election have had enough of watching from the sidelines. They have decided to insist that equality between the sexes is a policy matter in its own right, just as important as other social or ecological matters. When we talk about equality between women and men, we have to look at it from the point of view of the most vulnerable and least privileged. And as such, we cannot accept economic or social policies that leave so many European citizens – both women and men – behind.

Candidates for Féministes pour une Europe Solidaire have pulled the emergency cord. We want the right to abortion to be incorporated into the European charter of fundamental rights so that member states, particularly Poland, Ireland and Malta, have to guarantee women's freedom to control their own bodies. We are also calling for the appointment of a European commissioner responsible for gender equality, to make sure women's rights are not overlooked when European policy is formed.

Feminist lists and feminist parties are an opportunity to inspire dozens of women and men who have never taken the plunge before to engage politically. Good luck to Soraya Post, and here's to the rise of a new feminist voice in Europe.