

Ukranian Women's Fund

http://uwf.kiev.ua/en/gallery - http://uwf.kiev.ua/en/gallery/850


Ukraine - Women of the Maidan Photo Exhibition


On April 4, 2014, Kyiv hosted Ukraine women's photo exhibition "Women of the Maidan". The exhibition is an endeavor to fix and preserve non-edited and non-corrected by politicians and historians the image of Ukrainian womanhood – mothers, sisters, wives, daughters - who consciously and unselfishly protected at Maidan the right of Ukrainian people for better life. Women went to Maidan together with men to stand for their dignity and the right to live in honest European state, where everybody’s rights are respected, diversity and equality are valued, democratic values and freedoms are abided. By their active position, strong will and strive to changes, without complaints and blames, by authentic heroism and self-discipline women supported the spirit of the Maidan and gracefully, with belief in victory, passed through all Maidan’s  seconds-minutes-hours-days in the crosshairs of sniper’s rifle”.