

Via Tahirih Justice Center





Cultural misunderstanding and lack of legislation leave USA forced marriage victims in shadows and at risk.


Immigration, fraud, USCiS, U-visas, forced marriage, Pakistan

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services states that a marriage petition must be denied if there is evidence the marriage was entered into for the purpose of evading immigration laws.John Moore/Getty Images

A forced marriage is one that takes place without the full and free consent of one or both parties. It can happen to either gender, at any age. It may be a marriage that is threatened, or one that has already taken place, either in the United States or abroad.

An individual’s lack of consent or lack of ability to give informed consent may be caused by a variety of factors, including but not limited to the individual being:

- Younger than the legal age to marry

- Subject to some other incapacity or disability

- Subject to force, fraud, or coercion

Force, fraud, or coercion can take many forms, including psychological manipulation, emotional blackmail, deception, and physical threats or violence, and—in some cases—even kidnapping or death threats."

An arranged marriage is not the same as a forced marriage. A forced marriage, in which an individual feels she has no ultimate right to choose her partner and/or no meaningful way to say no to the marriage, is distinguishable from an arranged marriage, in which the families of both parties (or religious leaders or others) take the lead, but ultimately, the choice remains with the individual


January 21, 2014 - Series highlights Tahirih Justice Center Forced Marriage Survey and the voices of survivors and community advocates. The series highlights the findings of Tahirih’s National Forced Marriage Survey, which tracked up to 3,000 known and suspected cases of forced marriage from 2009 to 2011 across 47 states.
