

Hackers - An Online Risk Frontier for Women's & Girls' Human Rights


An example of a dictionary definition of HACKER is: A person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.


In current times, hacker can refer to "someone who tries to get into another person's computer using computer software such as Trojan horse programs, computer viruses, and worms that can hurt other people's computers, E-Mails, programs.


In the past 24 hours, attempts have been made to HACK the WUNRN ListServe. Some of you have received multiple copies of past releases. Both our ListServe company (external, highly reputable and for 10 years) and our internal several programs against viruses and hackers, cannot always and ever, in the sophisticated underworld online, intercept such actions.


When a program as WUNRN disseminates information on such subjects as violence against women, rape, trafficking, abuse, women human rights defenders, and more, we are particularly vulnerable to attract the attention of dissenters as hackers.


Truly, when WUNRN posts a release on countries not wanting the exposure WUNRN may present authentically, we can expect a nasty virus coming in within about l/2 hour.


So here we are trying and trying to present authentic, balanced, timely, serious information, solid documentation including links and photos, on the human rights, oppression, and empowerment of women and girls.


We continue to assess best ever precautions; but when an invasion attempt occurs, we ask your patience, and our shared determination to rise above for the truths, realities, empowerment and equality of women and girls all over the world.