

Gender, Economic, Social and Ecological Justice for Sustainable Development: A Feminist Declaration for Post 2015

Direct Link to Full 5-Page 2014 Declaration - Larger type size.


The Feminist Declaration, from the Feminist Strategy Meeting of organizations in mid February, presses for a development model that will work for women and girls of all ages and identities. This model must be firmly rooted in international human rights obligations, non-retrogression and progressive realization. This requires reviewing the current security paradigm of investing heavily in militarized peace and security; respecting the secularity of the State where this is enshrined in national norms; reverse the current model of over- consumption and production to one of sustainable consumption, production, and distribution; and ensure a new ecological sustainability plan that applies a biosphere approach and respect for planetary boundaries and ecological sustainability.


Call for endorsement of this Feminist Declaration by February 25 by sending an email to feministspost2015@gmail.com, indicating your organization’s full name, acronym and country.