

Wounded to Death - Theatre Performance on Femicide


Wounded to death





The theatrical performance “Ferite a Morte”, translated as “Wounded to Death,” was performed on November 25, 2013, at the United Nations Headquarters in NY in commemoration of the International Day to End Violence against Women. “Wounded to Death” is a performing arts project on femicide − whereby women are killed based on their gender.


Serena Dandini, well-known personality on Italian television, writer, journalist and host of several successful television programmes, has drawn on news stories to give a voice to women who have lost their lives at the hands of a husband, a partner, a lover or an “ex”.

For once, it is these women who speak in the first person, like a Spoon River of femicide, each telling her story from where they are now, regaining life and substance, finally stepping out of a dry and cold list.

Serena Dandini, with the collaboration of Maura Misti, a researcher at CNR, has written a short story for each of them, as part of a theatrical piece, aimed at sensitizing, through the language of drama, government institutions and public opinion to a phenomenon for which the data is still not certain, but which would indicate in Italy – as can be seen from the few statistics available – one victim every two or three days.

The stage set is sober. A large screen shows portraits of women who seem happy and serene; they are the work of the Roman artist Rossella Fumasoni. An onstage DJ plays music to turn the page from one story to the next.

Onstage, playing the victims, are some of the most important actresses and women from civil society, who take turns to give a voice to these stories in a dramatic theatrical performance, but which plays contrastingly with light language and with the ironic and grotesque tones of Serena Dandini’s writing.
