



Dr. Massouda Jalal

Founding President of Jalal Foundation and

Minister of Women of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, 2004 to 2006


One Billion Rising against VAW:

Linking footprints forward! 

As the world kicks off this year’s observance of the 16 Days of Activism to Eliminate Violence against Women (VAW), Jalal Foundation urges everyone to take another step forward to advance the aims of One Billion Rising against VAW!  With One Billion Rising, we already have the number; we just need to produce meaningful results.


One act to stop VAW today by one billion individuals across the globe will go a long way in ending gender-based violence.  The latest study of the United Nations in Asia-Pacific[1][1] showed that 72 to 97 percent of those who committed rape did not face legal consequences and 80 percent of them were driven by an assumption that they are entitled to sexual gratification with or without a woman’s consent.  It is clear that poor administration of justice and a belief system that condones VAW are two of the factors that we need to collectively prioritize.  Jail the perpetrators but invest in the transformation of their belief systems so that they may cease to be a threat to women and girls around them. Educate the next generation to respect the rights of women but support the justice system as well so that they may have the capacity to prosecute, punish and reform the value system of offenders.


On this day, Jalal Foundation honors the many organizations and individuals who continue to stop violence against women. Countless numbers of survivors have been helped, social services have been improved and expanded, policy and legal instruments have been adopted or strengthened, males have increasingly been playing active roles, and resources continue to be generated to sustain the war against VAW. All these must continue. And while all remedial measures must be sustained, we should never miss the preventive aspects of negative behavior and cultural beliefs and practices that sustain gender-based violence.


We pay homage to the many victims and defenders of women’s rights whose lives were sacrificed in our struggle against VAW.  We call for support to VAW survivors who boldly stepped out of their violent relationships and are now facing economic and social challenges to feed and educate their children.  We strongly condemn members of the police and justice system who makes it difficult for survivors to prosecute their offenders and call for their dismissal from service. We call upon governments, political parties, labor organizations, religious institutions, and other organizations to make elimination of violence a standing priority in their programming and budgeting. Most of all, we call upon all educational institutions and girls organizations to train women and girls to protect themselves from situations, relationships, and people who could potentially harm them.       


Today, let the world know that Afghan women’s optimism is being overshadowed by dark prospects beyond the departure of international security forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. The Taliban is back, it is positioning fundamentalists in strategic government bodies, and the clawing back of gains on women’s rights has started. The Afghanistan’s decree on the elimination of violence against women, labeled by fundamentalists as un-Islamic, is now stalled in the Parliament and faces the threat of being watered down. We already lost the quota provision for women in the national election law.  And VAW incidents have been increasing with no improvements in the preventive, remedial and punitive systems.


This day is a moment of celebration and a chance to strengthen our collective resolve and cooperation.  We have taken many steps forward. Let the army of One Billion Rising continue to make footprints and create the path that will bring security and peace to the lives of our girls and women of the coming generations.  Salam to the EVAW army of the world!


[1][1] http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2013/9/half-of-men-report-using-violence-and-a-quarter-perpetrate-rape-according-to-un-survey#sthash.xvKznNN0.dpu