





Direct Link to Full 8-Page 2013 Document:


11/12/2013 - A preference for sons over daughters has a detrimental impact on women's and girls' health and well being.  It also affects society by driving gender-biased, sex selection resulting in a skewed ratio of females to males at birth in favor of males. This report presents the findings of a large-scale study that examines men’s and women’s underlying attitudes and behaviors around son preference, with a particular focus on how they conceptualize manhood and masculinity. 

In order to work with men we need to utilize various platforms so that we can work at younger ages as well as in institutions where men work or congregate. We need to work with diverse institutions that uphold traditional norms of masculinity, be it workplaces, schools, panchayats or religious or social communities. Th e states that are different need their own differential emphasis. Th ere may be need to undertake indepth programmatic research in diff erent states to inform context specifi c and relevant programs for men. Each cultural context will inspire its own ways in which masculinity is associated with power.

In developing more focused programs and policies on masculinity and gender equality, we must highlight what people actually do, not only what is expected or imagined. Policy that builds men’s confi dence to behave diff erently, and teaches men diff erent ways to empower themselves, can help in reducing the perpetuation of forms of traditional masculinity and behaviors like violence against women. Th us boys and men can be very eff ective change actors for gender equality.