
D.I.Re. Donne In Rete Contro la Violenza - Italian Network of Women’s Organizations Against Violence




Fact Sheet


D.I.Re. – namely “Women’s network against violence”- is the Italian network of women’s organizations combating all forms of violence against women. It was founded in 2008 and is currently comprising 65 organizations managing women’s shelters and anti-violence support services throughout Italy.  It is D.I.Re. position that violence against women is the result of unequal power relationships deeply rooted in a male dominated society, whose main consequence is hindering the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality. As Gender Based Violence can be effectively countered by women-focused policies and actions, D.I.Re. has been lobbying to both raise awareness on violence as a cultural phenomenon as well as on gender related issues, and mainstream a gender perspective in the national public policy. Pursuant to this goal, D.I.Re. has engaged at various levels with the media, civil society, institutions, policy makers, law enforcement agencies, courts, field professionals, hence its action covers a wide range of activities such as:

With a view to fostering the dissemination of know-how and best practices to run shelters and women’s aid services in compliance with international standards and guidelines, D.I.Re. has been cooperating with other prominent networks of women’s organizations at the European and international level. D.I.Re. is the Italian focal point of W.A.V.E –Women Against Violence Europe, the European network comprising more than 4000 women’s NGOs working in the field of combating violence against women and children in 46 European countries; it is also a member of the European Women’s Lobby and of the board of the Global Network of Women’s Shelters (GNWS).  As a member of the “30 years CEDAW work in progress” Italian  Platform,  D.I.Re. takes part in drafting the shadow report to be submitted to the CEDAW Committee concerning the application of the UN CEDAW Convention in Italy.

D.i.Re Donne in Rete contro la violenza

Casa Internazionale delle Donne  - Via della Lungara, 19 - 00165  Roma,  Italia

Cell +39 3927200580 - Tel +39 06 68892502 Fax+39 06 3244992 - Email direcontrolaviolenza@women.it
