

McKinsey & Company



Direct Link to Full 16-Page 2012 Report:




Since 2007, McKinsey has been researching intensively the advancement of women in the workplace. The business benefits are clear: a wider, deeper swath of talent to solve problems, spark innovation, and, in many cases, mirror a company’s own customer base.

Yet the top circles of corporate America remain stubbornly male—as in 2011, only 14 percent of women serve on executive committees, and only 3 percent serve as CEOs.

But these numbers don’t tell the whole story. For the second year in a row, we undertook an ambitious US-based research project—this time, with the help of 60 Fortune 500 or similarly sized companies. The research took a closer look at the progress these companies were making in advancing their women.

Among the highlights of the research, included in the full report, Unlocking the full potential of women at work: