


Realities – Marginalization – Challenges for Rights


By Dr. Massouda Jalal

Founding Chairperson of Jalal Foundation

and Former Minister of Women, Afghanistan



In the flurry of many disquieting political and security concerns that beset our country, Jalal Foundation once again calls attention to the plight of rural women in Afghanistan as it extends a hug of greetings and solidarity with all rural women across the globe.


Although we continue to see the marginalization of Afghan rural women in the reconstruction and peace process of our country, we are committed to celebrate this day each year to honor their sacrifices and highlight the value of their contributions to the social and economic life of our nation.  Around 80 percent of Afghan women reside in rural communities working as underpaid and invisible agricultural workers and bearing the burdens of gathering fuel and water. They protect the children and elderly during episodes of armed fighting between government forces and anti-government elements. Many of them lose their lives and limbs in the process and those who survive continue to live with the trauma of either burying the casualties of war or sustaining their family members without economic capital and support from the State. 


With the resurgence of extremism, more and more Afghan girls and women in rural areas fall prey to extreme forms of violence including mutilation, stoning to death, public execution, torture and murder - sometimes in the hands of family members who are supposed to be their source of protection and security.  Afghan girls in rural communities walk long distances in dirt roads, bravely defying threats of sexual harassment, sexual or acid assault, and school-based terrorism through water poisoning and gas attack. Rural women do not have the same access to health and welfare services that their sisters get in urban communities.  They are also more vulnerable to cultural norms and traditions that limit their mobility, freedom, and leadership in public life. 


The difficulties experienced by rural women in Afghanistan are shared by millions of women in many countries of the world. Thus, solidarity and collective action are vital to transforming the lives of rural women worldwide. We therefore need to link our organizations and networks, consolidate our voices, and spread information about our challenges and important contributions to the development of rural communities.


Let us acknowledge the leadership of regional organizations such as the South Asian Feminist Alliance for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (SAFA-ESCR) in raising the challenges faced by South Asian Women to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. As the international community defines the post-2015 development agenda and its implementation, let us ask our leaders to evaluate the achievement of international policies on rural women under the Beijing Platform for Action, Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women and related policy instruments. 


More importantly, policies without resources are just false promises. As many countries provide tremendous resources for the development of rural communities, let us fight for the allocation of dedicated resources to correct the worsening marginalization of our sisters in remote localities.  With a shared agenda to match policies with action and resources, we could look forward to more meaningful celebrations of International Rural Women’s Day in the years to come. Happy International Rural Women’s Day!!


This is a press statement of Jalal Foundation for the 2013 celebration of International Rural Women’s Day. Jalal Foundation is a non-profit organization with 50 NGO and women’s council networks throughout Afghanistan. It works for the protection of women’s rights, building of women’s capacities, and sustaining international attention and support to the situation of Afghan women. Please visit jalalfoundation@facebook.com and www.jalalfoundation.com.