





Girl Rising Curriculum

Author/Publisher: 10x10, Pearson Foundation, 2013
Download: English

Girl Rising provides teachers with a unique opportunity to educate students about the issues surrounding, and the impact of, girls' education in the developing world. To help teachers learn about the movement and the predominant issues, and effectively share the information with their students, the Pearson Foundation has created this standards-aligned curriculum for two chapters in the film: Suma from Nepal, and Senna from Peru.


Using the curriculum, teachers can engage their students in meaningful, theme-based social studies, political science, math, economics, and language arts lessons by encouraging them to think about important political, cultural, historical, social, and geographic issues tied to educating girls — and about their responsibilities as global citizens, as well as locally.

The curriculum addresses an array of issues ranging from inquiries of global scope such as, “How do economies grow when girls are educated?” to very basic questions like, “How do parents keep their daughters safe and cared for?” Through developing a better understanding of how family dynamics, poverty, political unrest, economic stability, and community expectations intersect to keep girls either in or out of school, students' views of the world will evolve.

Explore the Curriculum