



OFFICIAL LANGUAGE for GENDER EQUALITY and WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT is so very important in texts at the international, national, regional, and local level.


Women's advocates lobby long and hard to have gender specificity in document language, only often to see the gender wordage removed at the end. Further, it is not enough to be told "Not to worry, we will get to gender on the issue" as in the Climate Change Conference. It is very hard to return to serious documents that are essentially "gender blind" and then advocate for the human rights, the inclusion of gender in programs, processes, legal actions, budgets, and accountability.


We can learn from past experiences how absolutely vital it is to include GENDER in codifying documents, and including at the United Nations. Women were a very serious force in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The CEDAW Convention, as international law for countries ratifying, is exceedingly important to the women's movement.


The accountability dimension is so often lacking in laws, resolutions, declarations, even reports of Missions of Special Rapporteurs. Further, there are often "Reservations" to country sign-on's to treaties.


So often documents are created for policy impact, even laws, but not with gender specificity in implementation, funding, monitoring. For laws and policies affecting women and human rights to have force, they must provide for infrastructure and financial sustainability. 


Now we are approaching the finalization of the Post-2015 Development Agenda; and it is so very significant to have clearly defined, "stand-alone" gender equality/rights goals, including key targets and indicators.


As we move forward, WUNRN hopes that we as women will continue to be pro-active, highly attentive, skilled, and creative, to have our gender language specific in documents and follow up actions.

