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The European Parliament is the only directly-elected EU body.

(2013/2065(INI)) - DRAFT REPORT - 17.6.2013


Women with disabilities are not only persons who are not capable of doing particular things, but most of all they are women, most of all they are human beings. When talking about them, we have to keep in mind that we are talking about citizens, female citizens, and cannot be defined by their disabilities, in fact, they do not want to. Every day, they face the same challenges and opportunities as other women; they are friends, daughters, mothers, wives and employees. They have various roles to endorse, as every woman does. They are talented in multitudinous ways, skilled and enrich our society, which gains depth in diversity. It is crucial to consider this positive contribution, appreciate and promote it, and ensure that these women’s life plans are equally heard, equally get the chance of accomplishment, just as those of women without disabilities.Just as their fellow females, women with disabilities should have a guaranteed right to lead a life characterised by personal decisions and ideas. In order to facilitate this, social barriers need to be reduced and a positive awareness of diversity needs to be created.

Women with disabilities can participate in social life, on the personal as well as the overall level, with various different (complementary) measures: architectural, content and electronic accessibility, equal access to education and working environment, non-discriminatory handling of female sexuality and maternity. The changes and challenges of female life stages are of special importance: childhood, adolescence, discovery of their own sexuality, maternity, menopause and older age. In this context severe attention should be paid to childhood and adolescence of women with disabilities, because in this context it is possible to lay the foundation for a great number of positive developments in adulthood. The establishment of coeducation clearly to endorse and to facilitate, decrease social barriers and increase confidence. It is fundamental to broach the issue of violence and exclusion in language and media in schools to help children and young adults obtain a fair and equality-based language.

It is proven that women with disabilities are at greater risk to experience violence than other women; in patriarchy orientated societies the risk increases explicitly. Violence can manifest itself in various forms: forced sexual acts and rape, forced assignment to care facilities, lock up, intrusions in private spheres, forced sterilisation, forced contraception, forced abortion (to name only a few examples).

In general the involvement of people with disabilities and NGOs in the creation of new norms should become standard procedure, because it is the only way to act ‘with’ people with disabilities and not ‘on’ them. Inclusion means to be able to live freely in a society, to contribute to it; it is imperative to maintain and guarantee minimum standards in the areas of citizens’ rights and human rights. Therefore a clear and non-discriminatory definition of disability is fundamental, the use of the definition of the UN-Convention of disabilities is highly recommended.

It is to be stated, that women with disabilities are defined by multiple factors, disability being only one of them; they have to be treated as equal and fully adequate citizens and persons.PE514.581v01-00 10/10 PR\940318EN.doc Quite the opposite happens in the areas of culture and media, concerning the fact that women with disabilities are rarely featured and that such featuring would help to break down mental barriers and limits.

Viewing disability as a deficit is not accurate, but leads to an exclusive way of thinking that should be prevented. Diversity is the base of any modern society; it can and should be aspired. In 2002 38% of the people with a disability (aged 16-34) have earned an income (nondisabled people: 64%), today in 2013 there are still not enough opportunities for women with disabilities to partake in the labour market. It is extremely important to enable every woman with a disability who can work to carry out her plan to gain independence and be able to start her own career.

Due to multiple overlaying discrimination women with disabilities are often in a considerably worse situation than women without disabilities. This kind of unequal treatment has to be banished, especially considering that a combinational discussion of discrimination thematic is essential. A debate on the topic of women with disabilities can and should not be administered without considering gender mainstreaming and gender equality.

Concerning this connection the effects of multiple discrimination are decreased and consciousness is raised. In general a special focus should be placed on the elimination of stereotypes and prejudices to understand that the development of a culture of difference and diversity leads to great societal advantages. Especially in the context of support to developing countries the needs and requirements of people with disabilities have to be taken into account, because often even the respect for basic human rights is lacking. 80 % of people with disabilities are living in developing countries, which show the need for action. Women with disabilities in developing countries are facing unique obstacles which often lead to structural violence

The problem of structural violence is to be taken in consideration separately and constitutes an area of high influence of the European Union politics: On the European level of standardsetting legal work it is possible to fight structural violence against women with disabilities by using ‘soft instruments’ such as training courses, initiatives to raise consciousness and information campaigns in general to prohibit the expansion of prejudices and to increase the understanding of the personal biographies of women with disabilities.

It is imperative to promptly implement the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities to make the guaranteed rights of people with disabilities reality. Finally the work of NGOs concerning women with disabilities and their importance for state and civil society is to be emphasised.

We are facing the challenge to actively include women with disabilities in society and enable them to participate on equal terms. 15 % of the European population consists of persons with disabilities; one in four Europeans has a family member with a disability. These figures show the importance of acting up to our own high expectations and create an environment friendly to every citizen in the European Union on equal terms.
