

From Book: Moving Toward the Millionth Circle: Energizing the Global Women's Movement

By Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.




It takes work to be an activist of any kind.

There are twists and turns,

setbacks, large and small victories,

always much to be done

and more to do.

If you are called to be an activist

"take heart" applies.


It will be a labyrinth journey that will test you.

Sometimes it will seem that the path is going straight to the goal,

and then it turns sharply and you feel back to square one,

as in a board game.

Will you give up or will you keep on?


Circumstances change, people you counted on

may not come through,

May join forces with others, abandon ship,

Or just run out of steam.


It helps all concerned to be in a circle of support

with shared meaning at the center.

Activism is really not a job for a do-it-yourself action hero

even if it depends on one person doing her job

at a particular moment.

When activism is your assignment in the way that I define it,

meaningful, fun, motivated by love,

then it also is soul work.

