


AWID - Transforming Economic Power 

Feminist Economics Toolbox 

The mainstream economic system and the economic policies derived from it have significant impacts on women’s livelihoods and are a strong force in shaping their possibilities to fully exercise their rights and live a life with dignity. Any piece of the Forum program offered an opportunity for learning, but in particular, we developed an entire session block on the first day—our “feminist economics toolbox”—dedicated to information sharing, awareness-raising, and skills-building on themes linked to economics, economic policies or other issues of key concern for feminists interested in transforming economic power. This section of the website has been shaped from the ideas, resources, debates and materials shared at the Feminist Economics Toolbox sessions.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) / Growth

Surviving Money and the Financial System

Gender Equity through Taxation

Rethinking Ideas of Work

Climate Change Finance

Demystifying the financial crisis

International Financial Institutions

Macroeconomic Policy

Food Sovereignty and Food Security

Feminist economics 101

Commodification of Knowledge

New Forms of International Trade

International Financial Architecture

Corporate Campaigning 101

Development: some of us live it