



Direct Link to Full 78-Page 2012 Report:




This publication has been prepared as part of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) regional assistance project in Central and West Asia— Promoting Gender-Inclusive Growth in Central and West Asian Developing Member Countries. Drawing from national assessments conducted in all the relevant countries, this report provides a baseline of current capacity in the field of gender statistics.

Gender statistics reveal the similarities and differences between women and men, and between girls and boys, information that is vital to the development of policies and programs promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. And gender statistics can contribute significantly to the achievement of sustainable and inclusive economic growth and development in general.

Despite the availability of gender statistics publications in all countries in the region, there has been only limited success in ensuring that sex-disaggregated data and gender perspectives are reflected in mainstream statistical publishing. The spreadsheets on many NSO websites in the region reveal that statistics on key social areas such as labor, employment, health, and education are rarely sex-disaggregated, even when gender-related figures are available. The timely publication of gender statistics is another issue, as is the tracing of statistical trends over time.

The assessment presented in this report found little evidence of regular consultations with data users to discuss emerging needs or to monitor the use of gender statistics. Only in a few countries (Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan) are such mechanisms being developed, but they need further support to become effective and sustainable.

The extent to which gender statistics are utilized is influenced by the ability of scholars, policy makers, civil society groups and others to understand, analyze, and interpret the data. valuable findings revealed by statistical studies are often concealed by dense writing laden with technical jargon. Skilled communicators are thus needed to present the findings clearly, so that readers will find them accessible and compelling.