






The Feminist Review Trust exists to fund research and other scholarly activity on all aspects of gender.

2013 Priorities

In 2013 the Trustees will particularly welcome international applications in the following areas:


There is a great shortage of funds to support feminist scholars and activities. This means that the Feminist Review Trust receives a very large number of applications. Unfortunately we have limited funds and can fund only a small proportion of the applications we receive. So, before you apply please note the type of projects we support and please read the guidance on the completion of the application form.


The maximum value of any individual award is UK £10,000 (or its equivalent). However, the Trustees rarely give out awards of this amount so when you prepare your application please bear in mind that you may only be offered partial funding. It is therefore helpful if you can identify different sub-elements in your application.

Applications fail for a number of reasons:

This is, of course hard to answer. Typically we receive applications to many, many times the value of the funds which we have available. That said a significant proportion either fall outside our funding guidelines or are too poorly written to win support. So, a well written and relevant application is likely to be shortlisted.

The decision-making process has a number of stages:

If you are successful you will receive two forms and a copy of the Trust logo. The logo is to be displayed on all material associated with our project. The first form is the Acceptance Form. You will be asked to provide a short summary of your proposal for the Trust website, to provide details to enable the transfer of funds and to provide the date by which we can expect your Final Report.

The second form is a template for your Final Report. This can take a number of formats but it must include a careful account of expenditure together with receipts. We would expect to receive copies of relevant publications or other materials, photographs or whatever is appropriate for your particular project.

You will be notified by the due date. The Trustees do not give feedback on unsuccessful applications. We know that this disappoints some applicants. Given the volume of applications we receive the main reason for rejection is often that we simply don’t have enough funds to support all the projects we would like to.

You can apply once more but given that you have been rejected once you will need to make some refinements to your proposal. Look again at our guidelines and try to focus your proposal more carefully in line with them. If you are unsuccessful a second time we recommend that you seek funding elsewhere or undertake a major rethink of your proposal.

In practice the Trustees hope that for many awards the initial award will have had some continuing impact such that the project does not need more funding. This applies particularly to training, development and pump priming activities. Interventionist projects and one-off support activities should not need on-going funding. This leaves activist projects which again, we hope will become self-sustaining. There are, of course, always exceptions so you can apply again if you think that you can make a convincing case for another round of funding.

No, we will only accept one application from the individual or organisation per round.