

femLINKpacific - http://www.femlinkpacific.org.fj/index.cfm?si=main.resources&cmd=forumview&cbegin=0&uid=menuitems&cid=17

Community Empowerment Model - Grassroots networks building peace by/for women and girls - Asia-Pacific



"We can no longer afford to minimize or ignore the contributions to women and girls to all stages of conflict resolution, peacemaking, peace-building, peacekeeping and reconstruction processes. Sustainable peace will not be achieved without the full and equal participation of women and men."  (Kofi Annan - former UN Secretary General)


Women, Peace and Security. What does that mean to you?


What does that mean to women, including single mums struggling to provide for their families? How do rural women make time to participate in workshops and training programmes, and consultations on development planning when they are working long hours to provide for their families?


Where are the spaces for young women, who continue to be marginalized from decision-making forums, even in their own communities simply because of their age?


At a recent NZAID funded Community Empowerment Programme consultation, which brought together femLINKpacific's Solomon Islands counterpart - Vois Blong Mere Solomons, and our rural correspondents for the Western, Northern and Central/Eastern Divisions formulated our collective position not only on Human Development, but more importantly Human Security to assist policy makers.


What are the steps needed to ensure we can all equally participate in the putting an end to our cycle of conflicts and political unrest?


How can we also ensure that the story of women's peacemaking interventions become part of an important peace culture for Fiji?

How do we claim our own skills of peacemaking and reconciliation?


The correspondents from Fiji and the Solomon Islands, whose knowledge and expertise are drawn from their ongoing peace facilitation and community empowerment work at local community level, noted that for many women, human security means personal and family security: "Feeling safe, knowing that our children are safe from exploitation, that our natural resources and environment are safe and protected from exploitation. We are free to move around, express ourselves; we are safe in our homes and can go to our gardens; we are able to worship; we can take our children to the hospital.


The consultation also recognised that too often, women have been expected to be peacemakers in the home and local community, but the imagination and inventiveness they have developed through centuries of practice in these settings is rarely used in larger conflicts. Instead, there continues to be too much "lip service paid" or superficial attempts to the participation of women in formal decision making processes and not enough consideration is given to transforming the existing barriers to women's participation in the public sphere: "Women have knowledge and skills but they should not be confined to general stereotypes. We have the life-skills to be able to drive a boat or manual car, access clean water, fix a tap or create a fresh-water collection system."


Such positive reforms would actually ensure that the experiences and resources of women, are utilized, as called for in Security Council Resolution 1325, which recognizes "the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peace-building, and the importance of their equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security."


Ultimately, there was agreement that women must also be assisting in defining the type of security sector we would like in our country. But a human security agenda also requires information reaching women in their own communities, and not just limited to mainstream media forms, as well as having available and safe channels through which women can communicate their concerns including early warning indicators of the emergence or resurgence of violence especially at the local level.  So, as an organization advocating for women's equal participation in decision making on matters relating to peace and security, femLINKpacific firmly believes that ensuring women's full partnership in public peacemaking is another step which can enhance peace, especially through the use of non-violence campaigns


"The world of humanity has two wings; one is women and the other men.

Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly. Should one wing remain weak, flight is impossible. Not until the world of women becomes equal with the world of men in the acquisition of virtues and perfections, can success and prosperity be attained as they ought to be..." (Bahaii saying)