


WHO | World Health Organization




Consider for Papers on Violence Against Women & Girls with Disabilities


Violence against people with disabilities is an important public health and human rights concern. There is increasing attention to violence against people with disabilities around the world, with increased media reporting on the topic and growing public awareness of hate crime.

Systematic reviews commissioned by WHO and published in The Lancet demonstrate that adults with disabilities have a 50% raised risk of violence on average, with adults with mental health conditions being at nearly four times greater risk. Yet there is still a lack of strong evidence in this field, and further research is required to better understand the issue.

In 2013, the Journal of Interpersonal Violence will publish a special issue on the topic of violence against people with disabilities, in association with WHO. Papers are invited which relate to all forms of interpersonal violence and any type of disability. Of particular interest are empirical studies which explore risk and protective factors and underlying causes for violence. Empirical studies which present evidence for interventions which either prevent violence against children and adults with disabilities, or improve outcomes for victims for violence would also be of interest. Given that the majority of research is conducted in high-income countries, research from low-income and middle-income countries is strongly encouraged, together with other work which addresses global disparities and cultural differences in the field of violence and disability.

Deadline for Submissions: November 2, 2012.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jiv where authors will be required to set up an online account on the SageTrack system powered by ScholarOne. Manuscripts should not exceed 22 typed double-spaced pages, including references, tables, and figures. References must conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Sixth Edition). Authors should include their name, affiliation, mailing address, email address, telephone number, and a brief biographical statement on a separate title page. Each manuscript should include an abstract and 3-5 keywords.

Any further questions on special issue should be directed to: shakespearet@who.int or miktonc@who.int or, if relevant to journal, to jiv@u.washington.edu