

UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee


The UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, composed of 18 experts, has been established to function as a think-tank for the Council and work at its direction. The role of the Advisory Committee is to provide thematic expertise in the manner and form requested by the Council, focusing mainly on studies and research-based advice.


The Human Rights Council requested the Advisory Committee in its resolution 16/27 of 25 March 2011 to undertake a comprehensive study on the right to food of rural women, including patterns of discrimination, strategies and policies for their legal protection and best practices, with a special focus on female-headed households and temporary or seasonal workers. The mandate comes as a follow-up to the Study on discrimination in the context of the right to food (A/HRC/16/40), where rural women have been identified as a group suffering from discrimination.

Study on Rural Women and the Right to Food (A/HRC/AC/9/5)
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