

IWRAW AP - International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific


Call for Information on Women's Access to Justice


IWRAW Asia Pacific is continuing to strengthen our strategy on women’s accessed to justice. At this time we are again compiling information on the barriers women face when trying to access justice at the national level to update our analysis. We are seeking information from you specifically on:


1)     Discriminatory cultural attitudes and practices that influence laws and policies and impacts the application and enforcement of these laws and policies.


2)     Challenges and constraints impacting the claiming of rights by women, including women in marginalised and vulnerable groups such as:


a.      Human rights defenders

b.      Rural women

c.      Women with disabilities

d.      Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LBTIQ)

e.      Migrants

f.       Asylum seekers, refugees, stateless persons, internally displaced persons

g.     Prisoners (convicted and under trials) or women placed in protective custodies or correctional institutions

h.      etc


3)     Challenges around the enforcement of accepted norms and standards based on remedies/decisions by international and regional bodies.


4)     Conflict between the justice sectors – plural legal systems; formal & informal; quasi-judicial; interim justice systems.


5)     Effectiveness of the substance of the legal framework such as the constitutional, legislative, customary laws and jurisprudences.


6)     Effectiveness in application and implementation of laws and policies, including quality of judicial outcomes by enforcement mechanisms at the national level.


7)     Challenges in ensuring effective institutional arrangements and facilitating intra and inter-agency coordination, including access to quality legal aid, and through prioritisation in budgetary commitments and assessment of aid effectiveness


8)     Exacerbated challenges in particular contexts – including conflict, transition and failed states.


We would appreciate if you can send us any materials (reports, publications, factsheets) you have on the barriers women face in your national/regional context. We hope that you can also send concrete examples/cases.


We hope that you can send us these as soon as possible or latest by 16 August 2012. Please send the information to iwraw-ap@iwraw-ap.org and iwrawap1993@gmail.com


Wathshlah Naidu and Ayesha Sen Choudhury

Programme Officers
International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific
Tel: (603) 2282 2255
Fax: (603) 2283 2552
iwraw-ap@iwraw-ap.org, iwraw_ap@yahoo.com
Website: www.iwraw-ap.org