

WRAP - Women's Rights & Advocacy in the Pacific



Direct Link to 15-Page 2011 Document:





Recommendations for Pacific Island Forum Leaders


On the basis of the panel discussions and research, key recommendations by WRAP for improving women’s participation in political and public life in the Pacific are:

· Prioritise the implementation of all existing obligations Pacific Island states have already agreed to;

· Adopt a multidisciplinary, integrated approach toward implementing strategies and initiatives across all levels of society;

· Remove practical barriers to increasing women’s access to education and information sharing and provide women with the resources to enable them to campaign for political elections;

· Adopt Temporary Special Measures, the creation of specific seats for women to raise the number of women in Pacific parliaments;

· Actively identify and dismantle barriers to women’s participation in public and political decision making;

· Ensure consideration of gender issues and the potential impact to women when discussing the enactment and implementation of all public policy and legislation;

· Formalise avenues to have women’s views heard in peace discussions and promote women’s contribution to the peace building process;

· Mainstream gender responsive budgeting in the public sector; and

· Ensure donor funding initiatives have human rights, gender and eradication of the root causes of poverty as their central focus.
