





23-24 December 2011


Ministers, parliamentarians, civil society organisations, academicians from OIC member states met in Istanbul between the dates 22-24 December at the Conference titled “Change in Muslim Societies and Role of Women”: The Conference:


1.    Expressed its deep appreciation to the Prime Minister of Turkey H.E Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for his participation in the Conference and for his inspiring Statement where he called upon the international community to condemn and act against all forms of violence towards  women, including violence under armed conflicts.

2.    Expressed deep appreciation to Minister for Family and Social Policies of Turkey H.E Fatma Şahin and the Ministry for hosting the Conference and also for their excellent hospitality and arrangements for the participating delegations. Also commended the Minister for her welcoming statement where she underlined the importance of formulating comprehensive, multidisciplinary, institutional and coordinated action to ensure gender equality in all countries

3.    Expressed deep appreciation to the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Prof.Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu for his participation in the Conference.

4.    Expressed deep appreciation to the Secretary General of PUIC , Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol Kılıç  for the excellent organization of the Conference.

5.    Took into account the constructive and valuable recommendations and proposals made by the Parliaments and the Heads of Delegation of the OIC member states in addressing the issues and challenges faced by women.

6.    Expressed praise to the women of the countries of Arab Region that underwent many reforms in recent times, for their active role in bringing the change in their respective societies.

7.    Reaffirmed the conclusions of the OIC and PUIC Conferences on the empowerment of women in Muslim Societies that took place in different Muslim countries in the last years.

8.    Lauded the provisions of the OIC Plan of Action for Advancement of Women (OPAAW), also known as Cairo Plan of Action, as a positive road map for addressing the concerns and challenges faced by women in muslim societies and reaffirmed the recommendation at paragraph 8 of the preambular part, which refers to all international documents for enhancing gender equality, in particular CEDAW.

9.     Commended the establishment of units dealing with women’s issues in most organisations in Muslim countries

10.                        Acknowledged the legal reforms in Muslim countries that empowers women but also reiterated that they have to be translated into practice recalling that there is still much to be done to achieve women’s empowerment and gender equality

11.                        Stressed the necessity and need for continued international cooperation and assistance among countries, to formulate comprehensive, and multidisciplinary policies and to strenghten the role of women.

12.                        Reaffirmed that the full integration of women into the formal economy, in particular, into economic decision-making, means changing the current gender-based division of labour into new economic structures where women and men enjoy equal treatment, pay and power, including sharing of paid and unpaid work.

13.                       Underlined that  women’s rights become central to economic, social and political reforms; emphasized that innovative support is necessary for anti-poverty programmes .

14.                        Acknowledged the need to address violence against women holistically, including through the recognition of linkages between violence against women and other issues such as HIV/AIDS, poverty eradication, food security, peace and security, humanitarian assistance, health and crime prevention;  

15.                        Acknowledged that women‘s full enjoyment of their rights, opportunities and participation and leadership requires comprehensive gender-responsive measures encompassing budgetary, legal, policy and institutional frameworks.  

16.                        Affirmed that establishing national, regional and international gender equality mechanisms; collecting and disseminating reliable data and devising monitoring and evaulation systems are critical tenants for instituting gender equality in all countries including Muslim countries.

17.                        Recalled mainstreaming gender perspectives into all legislation, policies and programmes and promote incorporation of gender-responsive budgeting processes across all areas and at all levels, and enhance international cooperation to promote gender equality.  


The Conference invited parliaments, governments, including local authorities, regional organizations, private sector, trade unions, civil society organizations, including women’s organizations, media and other relevant actors to:


a)    Promote the participation of women at all levels of decision-making; by enacting and implementing legislation and tools including temporary specific measures, quotas and parity laws, where appropriate.


b)    Devise strategies to fight multiple forms of discrimination and violence against women and ensure that women and children have full and equal access to effective legal protection against violations;

c)      Become party to CEDAW without further delay, if they had not yet done so and to recognize the pivotal role it plays in ensuring women’s human rights;

d)    Ensure full and effective implementation of CEDAW, and withdraw their reservations, where appropriate.


e)    Undertake legislative and administrative reforms to give women full and equal access to economic resources, including the right to inheritance and to ownership of land and other property, credit, natural resources and appropriate technologies;


f)      Develop national strategies for promoting employment and self-employment, including entrepreneurial and organizational skills, in order to generate income for women; provide care services to reconcile family and working life.


g)    Promote measures to achieve a balanced portrayal of women and girls in the media. Support and encourage women's equal participation in management, programming, education, training and research, including through positive action and equal opportunity policies, with the goal of achieving gender balance in all areas and at all levels of media work,


h)    Ensure a hospitable environment for non-governmental organizations especially women’s organizations, who play an important role for the advancement of women and gender equality. 


The Conference took note of the proposal to establish a region-wide Gender Equality İnstitute (or Regional Knowledge and Information Center) in Istanbul- Turkey, mandated to collect and disseminate gender disagragated and age disaggragated data and develop gender-sensitive indicators to inform policymaking; enhance civil society and government dialogue through projects; conduct gender-sensitive research and training programs and conduct assessments in a coordinated manner and measure progress, to enhance the  the status of women.

The Conference also noted that the Institute proposed will serve as a center of excellence and also contribute to  the implementation process of CEDAW.