




23 December 2011

Germany - Join the 'Berlin Declaration' call for gender quotas in economic decision-making!

[Brussels, 23 December 2011] Join the call of MPs from six major political parties and the six leading women’s organisations in Germany for legislation to ensure equal opportunities for women and men in economic decision-making.

On 15 December, female representatives of all six political parties represented in Bundestag and the Business and Professional Women (BPW), German Women Lawyers’ Association (djb), German Rural Women’s Association, European Women’s Management Development (EWMD), Women on boards (FidAR) and the German Association of Women Entrepreneurs (VdU), adopted the ’Berlin Declaration’.

The Berlin Declaration calls for the equal participation of women in the management and supervisory bodies of companies. The first step should be binding legislation for minimum of 30% of women in the supervisory boards of listed, public companies.

The initiators of the Berlin Declaration seek to create a broad social alliance for effective measures to implement the equal rights of women and men in economic decision-making. Prominent women from the entire spectrum of politics, civil society and business have already signed the declaration, including Minister Ursula van der Leyen.

Read the Berlin Declaration and sign it here (In German).

The Berlin Declaration is the first time that women across the political parties join their forces on the issue of women’s representation in the upper echelons of economy and make joint demands.

German women’s rights organisations appreciate the joint effort of MPs, given the diverging views on the subject within and between the parties. The Associations welcome in particualr that the common position includes a requirement to legal action.

German Source for text and image: http://www.berlinererklaerung.de/