






The 2011 16 Days Campaign officially came to a close on Saturday, December 10th. This year, thousands of participants from virtually every country participated, and we have been thrilled that many of you have already sent us photos, press releases, and materials from your events. The Campaign would not exist if organizations and individuals did not take the initiative to plan 16 Days activities each year, and so I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to you and your organizations for investing time and energy to help make the 2011 Campaign a success.

We hope you will consider sending us photos, press releases, and materials from your organized events if you have not already done so. Please, also, take a moment to submit your activities to our online International Campaign Calendar (http://16dayscwgl.rutgers.edu/campaign-calendar/submit-your-2011-16-days-events).

Please keep also an eye out, as CWGL is currently finishing up an advocacy video on our June Strategic Conversation on the Intersections of Violence Against Women & Militarism (http://16dayscwgl.rutgers.edu/2011-campaign/strategic-conversation), and we will send out the Youtube link at which organizations can view the video, as well as post it on our website (http://16dayscwgl.rutgers.edu/) very soon.

Lastly, please do not forget to fill out our 2011 Post-Campaign survey (http://16dayscwgl.rutgers.edu/2011-campaign/questionnaire), which is instrumental in helping us to plan next year's 16 Days Campaign. Do not hesitate to email us with any questions.

We thank you again for your participation, and look forward to staying in touch as we work toward a more peaceful and equitable world.

Best wishes,

Julie Salthouse
16 Days Campaign Coordinator

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign
Center for Women's Global Leadership
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Tel: 1-732-932-8782
Fax: 1-732-932-1180
Email: 16days@cwgl.rutgers.edu
Website: http://www.cwgl.rutgers.edu