

http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/cedaws49.htm (Scroll down to ITALY.)




Concluding Observations of the Committee on the

Elimination of Discrimination against Women 49th Session


Excerpts re: Portrayal of Women as Sexual Objects, Stereotypes Regarding Their Role in Society, and Violence Against Women in Italy

23. The Committee calls upon the State party to:

(a) Put in place a comprehensive, sustained and coordinated policy,

targeted at men and women, and boys and girls, to overcome the portrayal of

women as sexual objects and the stereotypes regarding their roles in society and

in the family, in accordance with article 2 (f) of the Convention. Such a policy

should include legal, administrative and awareness-raising measures, involve

public officials and civil society and target the entire population;

(b) Mainstream gender equality and eliminate patriarchal stereotypes in

the education system;

(c) Make gender equality issues and sensitivity training an integral,

substantive and mandatory component of all teachers’ training, at all levels.

24. While the State party recently took measures to address stereotypical and

sexist attitudes in the media and the advertising industry, where they are particularly

prevalent and where women and men are often depicted in a stereotyped manner, the

Committee is concerned about the lack of information on the impact of such


25. The Committee recommends that the State party provide information on

the existence of sexist stereotyping in the media and in advertisements, on selfregulatory

measures such as codes of conduct and mechanisms established to

monitor and receive complaints on sexist elements in the media, and on their

outcomes, in its next periodic report.

Violence against women

26. The Committee welcomes the adoption of Act No. 11/2009, which introduced

a crime of stalking and mandatory detention for perpetrators of acts of sexual

violence, the national action plan to combat violence against women and stalking

and the first comprehensive research on physical, sexual and psychological violence

against women, developed by the National Statistics Institute. However, it remains

concerned about the high prevalence of violence against women and girls and the

persistence of sociocultural attitudes condoning domestic violence, as well as by the

lack of data on violence against immigrant, Roma and Sinti women and girls. The

Committee is further concerned about the high number of women murdered by their

partner or ex-partner (femicide), which may indicate a failure of the State party’s

authorities to adequately protect the women victims from their partners or


27. In accordance with its general recommendation No. 19 (1992) on violence

against women and the views adopted by the Committee under the Optional

Protocol procedures, the Committee urges the State party to:

(a) Put emphasis on comprehensive measures to address violence against

women in the family and in society, including through addressing the specific

needs of women made vulnerable by particular circumstances, such as Roma

and Sinti, migrant and older women and women with disabilities;

(b) Ensure that female victims of violence have immediate protection,

including expulsion of the perpetrator from the home, a guarantee that they

can stay in secure and well-funded shelters, in all parts of the country, and that

they have access to free legal aid, psychosocial counselling and adequate

redress, including compensation;

(c) Ensure that public officials, especially law enforcement officials and

professionals in the judiciary, health care, social work and education are

systematically and fully sensitized to all forms of violence against women and


(d) Enhance the system of appropriate data collection on all forms of

violence against women, including domestic violence, protection measures,

prosecutions and sentences imposed on perpetrators, and conduct appropriate

surveys to assess the prevalence of violence experienced by women belonging to

disadvantaged groups, such as Roma and Sinti, migrant and older women and

women with disabilities;

(e) Further pursue, in collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders,

including women’s and other civil society organizations, awareness-raising

campaigns through the media and public education programmes to make

violence against women socially unacceptable, and disseminate information on

available measures to prevent acts of violence against women among the

general public;

(f) Ratify the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and

combating violence against women and domestic violence, in a timely manner.