

Via IANSA Women's Network
International Action Network on Small Arms





Direct Link to Report Chapter on Women:



The Global Burden of Armed Violence Report for 2011 has been released by the Geneva Declaration and notes that, “About 66,000 women and girls are violently killed around the world each year. High levels of ‘femicide’ are frequently accompanied — and in some cases generated by — a high level of tolerance for violence against women.”


Geneva Declaration Website on Report: http://www.genevadeclaration.org/measurability/global-burden-of-armed-violence/global-burden-of-armed-violence-2011.html


The executive summary also confirms what IANSA women have known for many years, “The proportion of homicides related to intimate partners or the family represents a significant proportion of homicides in some countries in Europe and Asia.”


Chapter 4 focuses on ‘When the Victim is a Woman’ and seeks to disaggregate the demographics of armed violence and capture the ways in which women of different ages are at risk. It also considers the particular settings and risks shaping femicide and sexual violence.


The first section provides an overview of femicide on the basis of available statistics, including the incidence, the relationship between victim and offender, and instruments used. The second section considers the characteristics and dynamics of homicide involving female victims. The third section examines other forms of lethal and non lethal violence against women, including dowry deaths, ‘honour’ killings, ritual killings, and lethal practices associated with witchcraft, as well as the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS in conflict and post-conflict settings.


A key conclusion, which supports the long-standing position of the IANSA Women’s Network, is that there is a need to enhance reporting and analysis of data on lethal and non-lethal violence against women — both cross-nationally and sub-nationally.