





This is a list of funders and fundraising suggestions compiled by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) using resources from the Global Fund for Women, the Women’s Funding Network, AWID, the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, and other websites. Please note that this is not a complete list of funding sources, but rather a working list to help organizations begin to look for  funding for their 16 Days Campaign activities. In publishing this information, CWGL is not endorsing any of these as possible funders or guaranteeing funding, but simply sharing information. Please see the funders’ websites for details on their specific program requirements and deadlines. Please contact CWGL if you have organizations to add to the list.

                                                            New Funding Opportunity
The African Women's Development Fund is seeking applications from propspective grantees who wish to apply for funding assistance in order to coordinate 16 Days activites  during the upcoming campaign. To view the guidelines and application details please visit the African Women's Development Fund website at http://www.awdf.org/browse/1963.  

Web Resources for Grant-Writing

List of Potential Funders (by Region):

Foundations and International Grantors:

  • AIDOS - Italian Association for Women in Development
    AIDOS has worked in developing countries, in Italy and with international organizations to build, promote and defend the rights, dignity, well-being and progress of women everywhere.
    Themes: Sexual and reproductive rights and health, capacity building, economic empowerment, advocacy, and education for girls and teens
    Countries: International
    Website: http://www.aidos.org
  • A.J. Muste Memorial Institute – International Nonviolence Training Fund
    The A.J. Muste Memorial Institute's - International Nonviolence Training Fund (INTF) support nonviolence trainings which help people learn how to collectively use the theory and practice of nonviolent action as part of ongoing campaigns or programs for social justice.
    Countries: Project location outside of USA or with Native American groups within United States
    Website: http://www.ajmuste.org/guidintf.htm
  • Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice
    Astraea is committed to funding groups, projects, or organizations that are led by and for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered (LGBT) communities that directly address oppression based on sexual orientation and sexual identity.
    Themes: For LGBTI social change and movement-building organizations
    Countries: International
    Website: http://www.astraea.org  or http://www.astraeafoundation.org/grants/grant-applications-and-deadlines/
    Fund activities that alleviate poverty in a direct and tangible way.
    Themes: Gender, Human Rights, Rural Development, Education, Health HIV/AIDS, Millennuim Development Goals, etc.
    Regions: Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Caribbean and Middle East
    Website: http://www.ausaid.gov.au/ngos/funding.cfm
  • Ford Foundation
    The Ford Foundation makes grants or loans to projects/organizations globally working to alleviate poverty, strengthen democratic values and advance human achievement.
    Themes: 13 fields of interest including Human Rights, Sexuality and Reproductive Health, Education and Scholarship and Civil Society.
    Countries: The Ford Foundation works in all 50 U.S. states and in 12 regions around the world. Andean Region and Southern Cone, Brazil, China,  Website: http://www.fordfound.org
  • Global Fund for Women
    Provides grants to support women’s human rights organizations around the world
    Themes: Ending Gender-Based Violence  and Building Peace; Ensuring Economic and Environmental Justice; Advancing Health and Sexual and Reproductive Rights; Expanding Civic and Political Participation; Increasing Access to Education; Fostering Social Change Philanthropy
    Countries: Organizations based or working primarily outside of the US and the Global North
    Website: www.globalfundforwomen.org
  • Hivos
    Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation; Hivos strives for a world in which all citizens – both men and women – have equal access to resources and opportunities for development.
    Themes: Financial Services & Enterprise Development, Sustainable Production, Human Rights & Democratization, HIV/AIDS, Art & Culture, Gender, Women & Development, and ICT & Media
    Regions: Africa, Asia, Latin America
    Website: http://www.hivos.nl
  • ICCO
    “ICCO envisages a world without poverty and injustice. Based on this vision, ICCO supports projects that contribute to one of our three main programmes. Policy emphasis may differ from country to country, depending on local political and economic conditions.”
    Themes: Basic social services, economic development and working on peace and democracy
    Countries: Check website for countries where ICCO works in Africa, Middle East, Asia, Pacific, Europe, and Latin America
    Web: www.icco.nl
  • IKV Pax Christi
    IKV Pax Christi starts up and supports local peace initiatives and mobilises moral, political and financial support
    Themes: Security and Disarmament; Protecting Civilians; Democracy and Peacebuilding; Economic Dimensions of Conflict; Religion and Conflict; and Terrorism
    Countries: 25 countries in Asia, the Horn of Africa and Great Lakes Region, Latin America, the Middle East, Southeastern Europe and the Caucasus
    Web: www.ikvpaxchristi.nl
  • International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
    IPPF is a global service provider and a leading advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. IPPF is a worldwide movement of national organizations working with and for communities and individuals.
    Themes: Abortion, Access, Adolescents, Advocacy, and AIDS/HIV
    Countries: International (See map on website)
    Website: http://www.ippf.org
  • International Women's Health Coalition
    The International Women’s Health Coalition leads global and local actions to secure every woman’s right to a just and healthy life. We are creating a world where women are free from discrimination, sexual coercion and violence, and have access to health services and information.
    Themes: Youth Health & Rights, Access to Safe Abortion, Sexual Rights and Gender Equality, and HIV/AIDS & Women
    Regions: Africa, Asia and Latin America
    Website: http://www.iwhc.org
  • The MacArthur Foundation
    The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation is a private, independent grant making institution dedicated to helping groups and individuals foster lasting improvement in the human condition.
    Themes: Conservation & Sustainable Development, Human Rights & International Justice,  International Peace & Security, Global Migration & Human Mobility, Population & Reproductive Health, and Higher Education in Russia & Nigeria.
    Countries: The Foundation funds work in about 60 countries including the US, with special emphasis on four important countries in different regions of the world with special emphasis on four important countries in different regions of the world: India, Mexico, Nigeria, and Russia.
  • Mama Cash
    Mama Cash funds and supports women and girls' human rights groups that push beyond the status quo to transform unjust systems and relations and bring about fundamental change for themselves and their communities.
    Themes: Body, money and voice – see the website for additional information about these themes
    Countries: Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, or across multiple regions in the Global South and East
    Website: http://www.mamacash.org
  • MATCH-International Centre
    “MATCH International Centre is a Canadian women’s international organization guided by a feminist vision of sustainable development which recognizes the diverse realities of women and respects their efforts for self-determination.”
    Themes: Women and Sustainable Human Development, Violence Against Women and Emerging Issues focusing primarily on HIV/AIDS
    Regions: (Canada), Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and South America
    Funding Information: See website for information; Must be a partner to receive funding
    Website: http://www.matchinternational.org/
  • Novib
    Oxfam Novib is fighting for a just world without poverty together with people, organisations, businesses and governments through projects and lobbying using a rights-based approach - locally and internationally. Poverty and injustice are global problems resulting from unjust economic and political relationships.
    Countries: International – 60 countries, Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific
    Website: http://www.novib.nl
  • Open Society Institute - International Women's Program
    “The International Women's Program promotes the advancement of women's human rights, gender equality, and empowerment as an integral part of the process of democratization. The program uses grantmaking and programs to promote and protect the rights of women and girls around the globe, particularly in places where good governance and respect for the rule of law have been weakened or destroyed by conflict.”
    Themes: Reducing Discrimination and Violence Against Women, Strengthening Women’s Access to Justice, and Increasing Women’s Participation as Decision Makers and Leaders
    Countries: Research grants available by country here http://www.soros.org/grants 
    Website: http://www.soros.org/women
  • Oxfam Canada
    Oxfam Canada supports long-term development, advocacy and emergency programs in 28 countries around the world. They support interventions that increase women’s power to access and control resources, build capacity and support women’s leadership, and change attitudes and legislation to promote women’s equality.
    Themes: Women’s rights and livelihoods, HIV/AIDS, humanitarian crises, participation, and gender-based violence
    Countries: See website – 28 countries, core programs are located in the Americas, the Horn of Africa, Southern Africa, South Asia as well as at home in Canada
    Website: http://www.oxfam.ca
  • The R.C. Maagdenhuis Foundation
    The Maagdenhuis Foundation supports small-scale projects and initiatives that help groups and organizations to become self-supporting.
    Themes: Human welfare, economic sustainability, children, eldery
    Countries: Central Europe, Asia and Africa
    Website: http://www.maagdenhuis.nl/
  • Rights & Democracy (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)
    The goals of Rights & Democracy’s Women’s Rights focus are: To facilitate women’s leadership and participation in civil society, to ensure their full contribution to peace-building processes, to seek accountability for gender crimes in transitional justice systems, and to build women’s capacity to meet the challenges of fundamentalisms, militarism and the prevailing security agenda.
    Themes: Women’s Rights, Democratic Development, Economic and Social Rights, Indigenous People’s Rights, and Special Initiatives
    Regions: The Americas, Africa, North Africa & Middle East, Asia & Pacific, Canada
    Website: www.dd-rd.ca
  • The Rockefeller Foundation
    The work of the Rockefeller Foundation for the 21st Century is to enable 'smart globalization.' It attempts to harness the creative forces of globalization to ensure that the tools and technologies that have significantly improved the human condition in many parts of the world during the past half century are accessible today to more people, more fully, in more places. 
    Themes: Health, Climate Change, Urbanization, Campaign for American Workers Reweaving frayed social contracts, and Easing basic survival insecurities — supporting sustainable efforts to provide the basic building blocks of increased labor and land productivity and economic growth: nutrition, water, health care, and shelter.
    Countries: International
    Website: http://www.rockfound.org/
  • Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
    “UUSC advances human rights and social justice around the world, partnering with those who confront unjust power structures and mobilizing to challenge oppressive policies.”
    Themes: Civil Liberties, Economic Justice, Environmental Justice, Rights in Humanitarian Crises
    Countries: International
    Website: http://www.uusc.org/index.shtml
  • UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women
    Managed by UNIFEM, the UN Trust Fund is the only multilateral grant-making mechanism that supports local, national and regional efforts to end violence against women and girls.
    Themes: Funding for innovative anti-violence initiatives through awareness raising, advocacy for adequate budgetary allocation, multi-sector partnerships, development of sustainable capacities of judiciaries, law enforcement and health service providers, access of survivors to services, and creation and strengthening of data collection systems.
    Countries: Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean
  • UNIFEM – Fund for Gender Equality
    Provides funding for groups that work for the political and economic empowerment of women.
    Themes: Turning local and national laws and policies into tangible gains for women’s rights
    Countries: Civil society and governmental agencies in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, the Arab States, Latin America and the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Commonwealth of Independent States
    Website: http://www.unifem.org/partnerships/fund_for_gender_equality/
  • WOMANKIND Worldwide 
    “WOMANKIND Worldwide helps women in developing countries – silenced or isolated by harmful traditions, conflict, violence and intimidation or the sheer exhaustion of surviving in poverty – to have a say in what goes on in their family, community and country.”
    Themes: Reducing Violence Against Women, Increasing Women’s Participation, and Influencing Policy
    Countries: International (partners in Afghanistan, Albania, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Peru, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, 
    Website: http://www.womankind.org.uk 

Regional / National Funding Sources


  • 16 Days of Young Women Voices Campaign (part of OSISA Young Women’s Voices Campaign)
    "The Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa seeks to support young women in Southern Africa to take advantage of the 16 Days Global Campaign to raise their voices and speak-out about these (and other violations of young women’s rights) in their respective countries and at regional levels."
    Countries: Accepts proposals from Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe 
    Website: http://www.osisa.org
  • African Women’s Development Fund
    “The African Women's Development Fund (AWDF) funds local, national, sub-regional and regional organizations in Africa working towards women's empowerment.” AWDF provides grants for 16 Days Campaign activities as a Special Initiatives Project.
    Themes: women’s human rights; political participation; peace building; health, reproductive rights; HIV/AIDS; economic empowerment
    Region: Africa
    Website: http://www.awdf.org/the-process/16-days-of-activism
  • The GBV Prevention Network
    "The GBV Prevention Network would like to partner with interested member organizations from the region to conduct a very dynamic campaign this year."
    Themes: The GBV has created a regional theme that will examine how we ‘walk the talk’ regarding our faith, peace-making, dismantling structures of violence against women and our personal commitment to prevent violence.
    Region: the Horn, East and Southern Africa.
    Website: www.preventgbvafrica.org/news/regional-16-days-activism-statements-interest
  • Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) 
    An open society is a society based on the recognition that nobody has a monopoly on the truth, that different people have different views and interests, and that there is a need for institutions to protect the rights of all people to allow them to live together in peace. An open society is characterized by the rule of law, the existence of a democratically elected government, a diverse and vigorous civil society, and respect for minorities and minority opinions.
    Themes: Human rights, particularly those of women and children, and transparent, accountable and participatory governance through advocacy. Public Health and Development, Political and Economic Governance, and Special Initiatives.
    Countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo
    Website: http://www.osiwa.org/spip.php?article34
  • Pitseng Trust
    “Our visions is of a South Africa in which women move
    out of their condition of subordination and economic
    servitude and are able to participate fully in the broader
    economic, socio-political and cultural life of the country.” Themes: Social and economic equity, women’s human rights
    Country: South Africa
    Website: http://www.pitsengtrust.co.za/
  • Urgent Action Fund Africa UAF Africa
    The Fund is committed to enhancing women’s leadership to bring about justice, equity and to contribute to the creation of a society free of disruptive conflicts.
    Themes: Situations of armed conflict, precedent-setting legal or legislative action, protection for women human rights defenders
    Countries: Entire Africa Region
    Website: www.urgentactionfund-africa.or.ke 
  • WHEAT Trust- Women's Hope Education and Training Trust
    WHEAT Trust was established to: Generate a women's fund to which individual women and community groups can apply for grants in support of their education and training needs; Manage sustainable income for the women's fund in ways which promote a culture of giving among individuals, organizations and communities; Assist in the growth and development of grassroots community initiatives
    Themes: Including (but not limited to) HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Income Generator, Leadership Skills, Community Development, Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, Disabled, Street Kids, Adult Wasteman, Family Counseling
    Country: South Africa
    Website: http://www.wheattrust.co.za

Asia / Pacific

    Fund activities that alleviate poverty in a direct and tangible way.
    Themes: Gender, Human Rights, Rural Development, Education, Health HIV/AIDS, Millennuim Development Goals
    Regions: Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Caribbean and Middle East
    Website: http://www.ausaid.gov.au/ngos/funding.cfm
  • Bangladesh Women’s Foundation
    To increase the self-reliance of the women’s groups towards supporting women’s initiatives focused on human rights, gender equality and improved conditions of women and children in Bangladesh.
    Themes:  Leadership development, Gender and Human rights Training, Girls Education, Human rights and prevention of violence against women, Health, Human security and protection of children and women’s participation in local government.
    Country: Bangladesh
    Website: http://bdwf.org/
  • Dalit Foundation
    Grants and Fellowships for strengthening the Dalit movement in India
    Themes: Dalit empowerment and justice
    Country: India
    Website: http://www.dalitfoundation.org/
  • Fund for Women in Asia
    FWAsia is determined to help bring about social change in how women and girls are valued in their communities.
    Themes: Social Change, Collectivity
    Region: Asia
    Website: http://www.fundwomenasia.org
  • International Women's Development Agency
    An Australian non-profit organization that creates positive change for women and their communities through practical and rights-based projects directly address poverty and oppression in developing countries.
    Themes: Livelihood and economic empowerment; safety and security; social, physical and mental health; education; environmental sustainability and civil and political participation.
    Region: Asia Pacific
    Website: http://www.iwda.org.au
  • Mongolian Women’s Fund
    MONES is the first national fund, mobilizing resources and providing financial and organizational support to women at grassroots level.
    Themes: Fighting against discrimination and violence against women (41% of total grant funding), Capacity building of women with multiple disadvantages (22%), Increasing Women’s Participation (11%), Strengthening women's movement (26%)
    Country: Mongolia
    Website: http://www.mones.org.mn
  • Oxfam Australia
    Oxfam Australia is part of a global movement of dedicated people working hard to fight poverty and injustice.
    Themes: Emergencies, Gender, Youth, Indigenous Rights and HIV/AIDS
    Regions: East Asia, South Asia, Southern Africa, Pacific, and Indigenous Australia
    Website: http://www.oxfam.org.au/
  • Tewa
    Tewa is committed to empowerment and advancement of women through regular grant making to women groups throughout Nepal. It aims to increase the self-reliance of Nepalis by encouraging Nepali men and women to donate regularly for the sustainable, equitable development and lasting peace.
    Themes: Women`s empowerment, equitable justice and peace.
    Country: Nepal
    Website: http://www.tewa.org.np/
  • UU Holdeen India Program
    The Unitarian Universalist Holdeen India Program (UUHIP) works with organizations of India's most excluded and oppressed peoples: women; dalits, who fall outside the caste system; and the adivasis or tribals who are India's indigenous peoples, especially migrant, bonded and landless agricultural laborers. UUHIP supports their efforts to participate fully in the social, economic and political life of India.
    Themes: Increase marginalized groups’ organized strength and self-reliance; gain access to productive resources, services, and opportunities; increase their livelihoods, assets, economic independence, and social security; influence government policies, laws, and budgets in their favor; challenge discriminatory social practices; and build, manage, and control their own institutions, programs, and resources.
    Country: India
    Website: http://www.uua.org/aboutus/professionalstaff/advocacywitness/holdeenindia/index.php
  • Victorian Women’s Benevolent Trust
    The Trust started in 1985 - an independent body with a mandate to improve conditions for women in practical and lasting ways.
    Themes: Social Change
    Country: Australia
    Website: http://www.vwt.org.au/
  • The Women’s Fund
    The Women’s Fund focuses on capacity building and support for Afghan organizations engaged in the defense of human rights, with particular attention to women’s rights.
    Themes: Women’s Advancement, Women’s Human Rights, Gender equity and equality, Networks aiming at linking and strengthening women’s partnerships and advocacy initiatives.
    Country: Afghanistan
    Website: http://www.dd-rd.af/


  • Bulgarian Fund for Women
    The Bulgarian Fund for Women works for more resources to establish and sustain development of women's rights non-governmental organizations in Bulgaria.
    Themes: Any form of discrimination, violence against women, gender awareness.
    Country: Bulgaria
    Website: http://www.bgfundforwomen.org/
  • Filia. Die Frauenstiftung
    Filia fosters social change in behalf of women and girls and supports the activities of women worldwide to empower women and girls.
    Filia. Die Frauenstiftung
    Filia fosters social change in behalf of women and girls and supports the activities of women worldwide to empower women and girls.
    Themes: Counteracting multiple discriminations, women’s autonomy, networking, social changes that favor women, and rapid response grants for urgent action situations
    Countries: Central and Eastern Europe, Germany, Global South and International Women’s Networks. Filia funds economically weak countries outside of Europe through their partner organizations who are also a part of the International Network of Women’s Funds. Economically weak countries should apply directly to these INWF partner organizations.
    Website: http://www.filia-frauenstiftung.de/
  • The Mediterranean Women’s Fund / Fonds pour les Femmes en Méditerranée
    The Fund’s principal aim is the provision of support for those individuals and associations likely to change discriminatory legislation and to facilitate the evolution of attitudes in their countries. It also takes into consideration the demands made by women’s associations to exchange their experiences, create networks and help to develop peace, solidarity and environmental protection in the region.
    Themes: Sexual and Gender Equality, Regional Networking, Gender Based Violence, Grassroots strengthening, Women’s Movements, Young Women’s Leadership
    Countries: Malta, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain, and Turkey (also Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Cyprus, Syria, and Lebanon)
    Website: http://www.medwomensfund.org/
  • Sigrid Rausing Trust
    The Sigrid Rausing Trust was founded in 1995 to promote international human rights.
    Themes: Civil and Political Rights, Women’s Rights, Minority Rights and Social and Environmental Justice
    Country: Groups must have a UK charitable number or their work must fall within UK charitable law. See website for more details.
    Website: http://www.sigrid-rausing-trust.org
  • Slovak-Czech Women’s Fund
    SCWF’s goal is to ensure the resources to support the promotion of women's rights and to implement the principle of gender equality in society. SCWF supports innovative yet functional solutions to long-term problems faced by women and works to change traditional donor-grantee relationships into a partnership among supporters, donors, women’s initiatives, and women and girls.
    Themes: Promotion of equal opportunities for women and men, prevention and elimination of violence against women, reproductive rights, prevention and elimination of trafficking in women, advocacy for the rights of women of marginalized groups, and support and development of gender studies and education oriented towards the elimination of gender stereotypes
    Countries: Czech Republic & Slovakia
    Website: http://www.womensfund.sk 
  • Ukrainian Women’s Fund
    The Ukrainian Women’s Fund (UWF) is an international charitable organization founded in 2000. UWF provides public organizations, particularly women’s organizations from Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus, with financial, informational and consultational support.
    Themes: Gender, Democracy
    Countries: Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus
    Website: http://www.uwf.kiev.ua/
  • Women’s Fund in Georgia
    The mission of the Women’s Fund in Georgia is to empower women throughout Georgia, for their self-realization and achieving their equal participation in the society’s life.
    Themes: Protecting women’s rights, improving women’s economic opportunities, assisting women living in conflict zones, promoting legislative initiatives, raising awareness of gender issues, increasing sensitivity of the community towards women’s issues, and supporting women’s collaborative initiatives.
    Country: Georgia
    Website: http://www.womenfundgeorgia.org



 Latin America

  • Central American Women's Fund
    Desde en año 2003 el Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres moviliza recursos para organizaciones de mujeres—especialmente organizaciones de mujeres jóvenes—que trabajan para defender y promover los derechos humanos de las mujeres en Centroamérica.
    Themes: Integridad física y mental; Justicia económica; Participación y Liderazgo
    Countries: Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, y Costa Rica
    Website: http://www.fcmujeres.org
  • Fondo Alquimia
    Anhelamos que la participación colectiva de las mujeres, gane espacios personales, sociales, públicos y políticos que se manifiesten en el acontecer nacional, continental y mundial, para la construcción de un mundo amplio, diverso, integrado y solidario.
    Themes: Feminismo, construcción de movimiento de mujeres, situación de los derechos humanos de las mujeres.
    Country: Chile
    Website: http://www.fondoalquimia.org/
  • Fondo Mujer
    Es una organización cuya mision es movilizar recursos con el fin de apoyar, fortalecer y brindar acompañamiento a iniciativas de mujeres colombianas  orientadas a su desarrollo personal, social, económico y cultural.
    Themes: a. Mujeres con iniciativas en el arte, la cultura, y los medios de comunicación en pro de un cambio personal y social; b. Iniciativas en Pro del mejoramiento y cuidado del medio ambiente Educación y capacitación de las mujeres; c. Mujeres con iniciativas de Defensa y promoción de los  Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos; d. Mujeres con proyectos de autonomía económica
    Country: Colombia
    Website: http://www.fondomujer.org/
  • El Fondo de Mujeres del Sur
    El Fondo de Mujeres del Sur (F.M.S) es una Fundación que trabaja para promover los derechos de las mujeres, financiando sus iniciativas y reconociendo los grupos y las organizaciones en las que trabajan.
    Themes: Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos ; Diversidad Sexual ; Participación política de las mujeres ; Violencia de Género ; Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Laborales
    Countries: Argentina y Cono Sur
    Website: http://www.mujeresdelsur.org
  • Fundo Social Elas
    Somos um fundo de investimento social voltado exclusivamente para a promoção do protagonismo das mulheres. Entendemos que investir nelas é o caminho mais rápido para o desenvolvimento de um país. Quando se investe nas mulheres, a vida de seus filhos e das pessoas a sua volta se transforma, gerando resultados diretamente em comunidades, cidades, estados e, por fim, em todo o Brasil.
    Themes: Promoção de independência econômica, Ampliação ao acesso à educação, Prevenção da violência contra mulheres, jovens e meninas, Defesa de direitos humanos, como as promotoras legais populares, Ações relacionadas à saúde de meninas, jovens e mulheres, Inclusão às tecnologias de informação e de comunicação, Valorização da arte e da cultura, Preservação do meio ambiente e da biodiversidade, Respeito à diversidade étnica, racial, sexual, gerencial e outras, Incentivo às atividades esportivas
    Country: Brazil
    Website: http://www.fundosocialelas.org/
  • Inter-American Foundation
    The IAF provides grants to nongovernmental and community-based organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean for innovative, sustainable and participatory self-help programs. The IAF primarily funds partnerships among grassroots and nonprofit organizations, businesses and local governments, directed at improving the quality of life of poor people and strengthening participation, accountability and democratic practices.
    Themes: Self-help, Democracy, Entrepreneurship
    Regions: The IAF only supports projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
    Website: http://www.iaf.gov
  • Mary’s Pence
    Mary’s Pence is a grassroots community that promotes Catholic social justice by directing donated resources to small women’s projects in the Americas.
    Themes: Economic Security, Women’s Voice
    Regions: Central, North, and South America
    Website: http://www.maryspence.org/home.html
  • Semillas: Sociedad Mexicana Por Derechos De La Mujer
    « Nuestra misión es contribuir al cambio social desde una perspectiva feminista, a través del fortalecimiento de las organizaciones de mujeres, en la reivindicación de sus derechos humanos. »
    Themes: Mujer y Trabajo, Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, Violencia de Género, y Derechos Humanos
    Country: Mexico
    Website: http://www.semillas.org.mx/

North Africa/ Middle East

For more detailed list of funders specific to this region, see AWID’s document “Funding Resources for Women's Rights Organizations in the Middle East and North Africa” www.awid.org/eng/content/download/42412/446312/file/MENA%20Donor%20Directory.pdf

  • Fonds pour les Femmes en Méditerranée/ The Mediterranean Women’s Fund
    Le Fonds a pour objectif le soutien des individus et des associations susceptibles de faire changer les lois discriminatoires et évoluer les mentalités dans leurs pays. Il prend aussi en considération les demandes faites par les associations de femmes pour échanger leurs expériences, tisser des réseaux et construire un espace de paix, de solidarité et de protection de l’environnement dans la région. / The Fund’s principal aim is the provision of support for those individuals and associations likely to change discriminatory legislation and to facilitate the evolution of attitudes in their countries. It also takes into consideration the demands made by women’s associations to exchange their experiences, create networks and help to develop peace, solidarity and environmental protection in the region.
    Themes: La transmission aux jeunes femmes, Le renforcement des capacités des associations de femmes, Le renforcement des réseaux au niveau méditerranéen, La lutte contre la violence faite aux femmes, et Le plaidoyer et l’action pour l’égalité des droits / Sexual and Gender Equality, Regional Networking, Gender Based Violence, Grassroots strengthening, Women’s Movements, Young Women’s Leadership
    Countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Cyprus, Syria, and Lebanon (also Malta, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain, and Turkey) 
    Website: http://www.medwomensfund.org/
  • The New Israel Fund
    A philanthropic partnership of Israelis, North Americans and Europeans, NIF is today the leading funder of social change in Israel.  NIF has planted the seeds for much of the country's vibrant public interest sector, and is providing financial and technical support to help hundreds of national and community-based organizations grow.
    Themes: Promoting civil rights and human rights in Israel, Promoting equity and equal opportunities for the Palestinian minority within Israel, and Promoting a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
    Country: Israel, Palestine
    Website: http://www.nif.org



 North America

  • Canadian Women's Foundation/La Fondation des femmes canadiennes
    The Canadian Women's Foundation is Canada’s only national public foundation designed to raise and grant funds to meet the needs of women and girls. We support women’s organizations across Canada that are using the most effective approaches to ending violence against women, moving low-income women out of poverty and building strong, resilient girls. We give particular priority to funding work with women and girls who face multiple challenges.
    Themes: Rebuilding lives after violence, outreach to women at greater risk for abuse, Healthy Relationship/ Violence Prevention training programs, Healing children witnesses to violence.
    Country: Canada
    Website: www.cdnwomen.org
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence & National Sexual Violence Resource Center
    VAWnet is not a funding source; it provides information and resources through the internet, and compiles lists of national funding sources. The mission of VAWnet is to harness and use electronic communication technology to end violence against women.
    Themes: Domestic violence, dating violence, sexual violence, stalking, and other forms of violence against women and children
    Country: United States
    Website: http://new.vawnet.org/category/index_pages.php?category_id=5#417
  • Office on Violence Against Women: United States Department of Justice
    The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 2005 funds projects through state funding. State Funding for Various Projects combatting Violence Against Women.
    Themes: Grant programs include: STOP (Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grants to States, Grants to Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions, Enhanced Training and Services to End Violence and Abuse of Women Later in Life Program, Education, Training and Enhanced Services to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women with Disabilities, Engaging Men and Youth Program
    Country: United States
    Website: www.ovw.usdoj.gov, www.grants.gov, or http://www.ovw.usdoj.gov/applicants.htm

Other - Not Grants

  • Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
    Funding for PhD dissertation fellowships to individuals whose topic is violence, aggression or dominance.
    Countries: Applicants may be citizens of any country and studying at colleges or universities in any country.
  • International Federation of University Women
    Offers a limited number of fellowships and grants to women graduates for advanced research, study and training. The competitions are held every two years.
    Countries: IFUW has 75 national federations and associations – see website for complete list
    Website: http://www.ifuw.org/fellowships/index.htm
  • International Fellowship of Reconciliation’s (IFOR)
    Women Peacemakers Program (WPP)
    IFOR's Women Peacemakers Program believes that programs that specifically empower women peacemakers, and encourage women and girls to become involved in peacebuilding and civil society building, are essential for development.
    Countries: WPP’s headquarters in the Netherlands supports women's peace initiatives in different parts of the world (Asia, Middle East, Latin America, Pacific, Caucasus, Balkans). The WPP Africa Regional Desk is hosted by WANEP in Ghana, and supports women peacebuilders in the Africa region.
    Website: www.ifor.org/WPP/education_nonviolence.htm
  • Soroptimist International
    “The Women's Opportunity Awards program is Soroptimist's major project. Through the program, clubs in 19 countries and territories assist women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families by giving them the resources they need to improve their education, skills, and employment prospects.”
    Countries: 19 countries in South America, North America and Asia/Pacific regions – see website for list
    Website: http://www.soroptimist.org or http://soroptimist.org/awards/awards.html