

Be-Free Center - Bahrain



“I Am An Important Person” &

“I Choose My Words Smartly”
Bahrain - Be-Free Young Girls & Boys Program





Bahrain - Be-Free Center conducted two young girls' and boys' training workshops for each participating age group, in the summer program that focuses on skills to deal with the self and others in a way that contributes in building personality and enhance self-esteem.


In all the workshops children learn that these skills are available for both girls and boys, and that learning these skills well, regardless of their gender, helps in building the concept that both girls and boys are equal, and becomes part of their belief system. 

The first workshop "I'm an important person" focused on the importance of each human person in general, and that every child is important and respected. Every child is a human being created by God, and has a special effect in this world. This first workshop contributed to helping children respect themselves and consider their human value, as well as respect others.


The second workshop “I choose my words smartly”, aimed at delivering concepts that helped children to pick their words, not only to be free of irony and cynicism and indifference, but to be polite, show respect to others, and to have better communication with them. When the child gives herself/himself a chance to think of the words that come out of her mouth, and chooses them carefully, this trains her to control herself and what she says in different situations, especially those that are difficult and delicate This Bahrain Be-Free Center training contributes to making her/him feel that what she says and the words she chooses has importance and effect on herself and others, which in turn contributes in raising self-esteem and ability to interact with others.