

Via Eldis

Direct Link to Full 364-Page UNAIDS 2010 Report:





HIV/AIDS - UN Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2010 - Gender

Produced by: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (2010)

Based on the latest data from 182 countries, this global reference book published by UNAIDS provides a comprehensive analysis on the AIDS epidemic and response. This report includes new country by country scorecards on key issues facing the AIDS response. It includes trend data on HIV incidence from more than 60 countries.

On the cusp of the fourth decade of the AIDS epidemic, the authors argue that the spread of HIV has been halted and being reversed as fewer people are being infected with HIV and more people have access to treatment. Other key findings of the report are:

The authors conclude that despite extensive progress against a number of indicators on the global scale, many countries will fail to achieve Millennium Development Goal 6 that seeks to halt and reverse the spread of HIV. In light of this realisation, the authors call for increased efforts to stop infections, save lives and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV.
