


English & French


Gender and Security in Mali:
Taking Stock and Finding New Perspectives


DCAF                                                                                                                                                            PGPSP

Despite ongoing efforts to improve the accountability and effectiveness of the security sector in Mali, the different security and justice needs of men, women, boys and girls are often marginalised and women remain largely excluded from security and defence decision-making processes. Nevertheless, there are examples of innovative initiatives taken across Mali to integrate gender issues into security sector reform (SSR) processes and security sector institutions.

In this study conducted for DCAF in partnership with the Program for Shared Security and Peace Governance in Mali (PGPSP), Fatimata Dicko-Zouboye and Kadidia Sangaré-Coulibaly present an overview of the integration of a gender perspective in the security sector in Mali. The study maps the networks of agents involved in the promotion of security and peace in Mali, including armed forces and national gendarmerie, civil protection and police forces, border guards, justice sector, penal sector, civil society, regional organisations and networks, international organisations and development partners. For each of these institutions, the authors present a snapshot of gender mainstreaming strategies, as well as good practices and challenges met during their implementation. Finally, the study spells out concrete proposals to support the government and other stakeholders in the design and implementation of relevant gender-sensitive policies.

Executive summary in English and complete report in French:


Also available: Gender and Security in Senegal: An Integration to Pursue

Executive summary in English and complete report in French:


For more information: gender@dcaf.ch